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Ruler Plugin with 30.00.20

Hi @Charles Dye;
I just updated TCC to 30.00.20, and your Ruler plugin no longer loads.

If I try to load it in a .btm, it halts the .btm, and exits the .btm.
@echo off
echo Before Load
plugin /l ruler
echo After Load
Before Load

If I try to load it from the TCC prompt, nothing loads, and I am returned to the prompt.

All of my other plugins load with no problem.

Can you duplicate this on your system?

     _x64: 1
   _admin: 1
_elevated: 1

TCC  30.00.20 x64   Windows 10 [Version 10.0.19044.2965]
BuildNumber  Caption                   CSDVersion  OSArchitecture  Version
19044        Microsoft Windows 10 Pro              64-bit          10.0.19044
Well I must say that's surprising. I had no idea anybody used that little hack....

Yes, something has changed. In TCC.EXE, I think, not Take Command. Not sure I'll have time to chase it down today, but I'll get to it sometime this week.
If I try to auto-load it (plugins folder) TCC just quits (i.e., doesn't start); thsere's no local dump file, the event log (app/system) has nothing to say about it, and WER doesn't start.

If I try with "PLUGIN /L", TCC returns to the prompt and PLUGIN doesn't mention it, but LISTDLLS says it's loaded by TCC.
If I try to auto-load it (plugins folder) TCC just quits (i.e., doesn't start); thsere's no local dump file, the event log (app/system) has nothing to say about it, and WER doesn't start.

If I try with "PLUGIN /L", TCC returns to the prompt and PLUGIN doesn't mention it, but LISTDLLS says it's loaded by TCC.

And you can't delete (or recompile) the .DLL file until you close TCC, right?
And you can't delete (or recompile) the .DLL file until you close TCC, right?
Right for delete but I could probably rebuild it since the binary goes into the project's x64\release directory. I have DevEnv external tool (Plug29) which copies the DLL to the plugin directory and starts TCC. Of course, that fails if TCC is still running.
I've uploaded a new build of Ruler to work around the issue. But I really hope Rex fixes the issue with QueryIsFile(). I'm finding a lot of calls to that function in my plugins.
Your previous build of Ruler works with 30.00.21.


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