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"Multiple" Clipboards

I use the Clipboard History utility from Outertech. I have it configured to save ten different lines of text for use in the clipboard.

While this allows me to utilize these lines of text via Windows GUI programs, I could not utilize them from TCC.

I did some snooping, and found that the program stores the lines of text in the registry.

I have now created a TCC alias so that I can get the text of one of the ten lines from the registry;

alias clipget=`echo %@regquery[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Outertech\Clipboardhistory\History%1]`

and a function;

function clipget=`%@regquery[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Outertech\Clipboardhistory\History%1]`

An alias to see which line that I want;

Alias cliphist=`do kount=1 to 10 (echos %kount - %+ clipget %kount)`

If I want to store text in one of the registry entries, the following alias does so;

Alias clipset=`echo %@regset[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Outertech\Clipboardhistory\History%1,REG_SZ,%2]`

Note that the program also accommodates "stickies", in which you can place text that you use quite often (urls, names, emails, whatever). You could, for example, create stickieget and stickieset aliases by replacing History with Sticky in the aliases/function definition.

These aliases and function can probably be improved, so if you make an improvement, please share!

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I, too, have several alias/function pairs. I found that changing their definitions is vastly simplified (at the expense of a millisecond of execution time) by defining one in terms of the other, e.g.:

alias clipget=`echo %@clipget[%1]`

BTW, I don't usually deal with the registry, prefer files, because they are portable from system to system, or from OS to OS. I generally use a file loaded by SET/R for URLs, names, system-dependent locations of programs and data, etc.; keep identical directory hierarchies on all my systems, using the LOC directory to provide the system-dependent paths.