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What about the email delays?

Last night I emailed an article which I received an hour later. I can only
suppose that no one, including the person to whom I was replying, saw it for an
hour. I posted another article tonight at 22:18 ... haven't received it yet (at
23:05). Ah! just got it at 23:08.

Rex, if it's true that no mail is delivered when no one is browsing the web
forums, don't you find that intolerable?

This article emailed at 23:13.
On 23/06/2008, vefatica <> wrote:

> Last night I emailed an article which I received an hour later. I can only
> suppose that no one, including the person to whom I was replying, saw it for an
> hour. I posted another article tonight at 22:18 ... haven't received it yet (at
> 23:05). Ah! just got it at 23:08.
> Rex, if it's true that no mail is delivered when no one is browsing the web
> forums, don't you find that intolerable?
> This article emailed at 23:13.

Would a simple script that grabbed the various forum pages be enough
to trigger the email? It could be run in a batch job every 10 minutes
or so. It wouldn't even need to be run by JPSoft (although they may
get cross if everyone starts loading their server with crawler


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