Purpose:Change the Take Command tool bar buttons


Format:TCTOOLBAR [/C /I /R filename /U /W filename] tab button, flags, icon, label, title, directory, [tooltip,] command


tabThe label of the toolbar tab
buttonThe button number (1 - 50)
flags0=Start new tab, 1=Send to current tab, 2=Change Folders directory
iconIcon to display on button
labelThe button label
titleThe tab title (when starting new tabs)
directoryThe startup or Folders directory
tooltipThe tooltip to display when hovering the mouse over the button
commandThe command to execute or keystrokes to send


/I (reset toolbar)/W (save to file)

/R(ead file)




TCTOOLBAR lets you configure the Take Command tab tool bar buttons (you can also use the Configure Tool Bar dialog available from the Options menu). The changes you make can be temporary or, with the /U option, written to the TCMD.INI file so that they will be loaded the next time Take Command starts.


There are a maximum of 50 buttons on the tab tool bar. The button parameter must be a number from 1 to 50 to select the button you want to work with. If you enter a command like


tctoolbar 1


the button with that number will be removed from the tool bar. If you want to add or modify a button, you must include the flags, icon and/or label, and command parameters.


The flags parameter specifies what happens when you click the button. If flags is 256, Take Command will use command to start a new tab (or a new window if command is a GUI app). If flags is 257, the command text (in KEYSTACK format) is sent to the current tab. If flags is 258, the button will change the default directory in the Folders view. You can optionally add 4 to the value of flags to insert a separator before the button.


If you specify the optional tooltip, then flags will be 512, 513, and 514, respectively.


The icon parameter allows you to specify the name of an icon file (or an executable file if you want to use its default icon). The icon will be displayed to the left of the button label. If you have entered a label, the icon parameter is optional.


The label parameter specifies the text that appears on the button. If the text contains white space or other special characters, it must be enclosed in double quotes. If you have entered an icon file, label is optional.


The optional title parameter specifies the new tab title (if flags=0).


If you're starting a new window, the directory parameter will set the startup directory for the command. If you are changing the Folders directory, the directory parameter specifies the new directory.

The command parameter contains the command to start a new tab (if flags=0), or the keystrokes to be sent to the current tab in KEYSTACK format (if flags=1) when the button is clicked.




/CClear all entries from the toolbar.


/IReset the toolbar to the definition in TCMD.INI.


/RLoad the toolbar button definitions from the specified file. /R will not clear an existing toolbar; you must use /C for that. The file should be in the same format as the [Toolbarn] section in TCMD.INI:






n - the button number (1 - 50)

flags - 256=start new tab (or new window if a GUI app), 257=send keystrokes to current tab, 258=Change Folders directory.  (Add 256 if setting tooltip.)

icon - the icon to display on the label (leave empty for no icon)

label - the label to display on the button

title - the tab title (if starting a new tab)

directory - startup directory or Folders directory

tooltip - the optional tooltip (if flags >= 512) to display when hovering the mouse over the button

command - the command to execute


The command and directory parameters can include environment variables, internal variables, and variable functions. Note that the variable expansion occurs in Take Command, not TCC, so internal variables like %_cwd will not probably work as expected.


/UWrite the changed button definition to the TCMD.INI file so that it will be included the next time Take Command starts.


/WSave the current toolbar to the specified file.