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February 2012

Welcome to our February 2012 newsletter.

We are planning some updates this month, including a new web site (see below).  Keep an eye out for announcements in our monthly newsletters, the Support Forum, or the JP Software blog.

The VIEW From the Other Side

(This article is from Charles Prineas, the creater of The V File Viewer.)

I started writing The V File Viewer in July 1996, and after several months of beta testing, it was released in April 1997.

As soon as the first beta was released, I started getting requests for 4DOS support (users wanted V to to display and edit the 4DOS descriptions). In keeping with the high priority I gave this feature request, 4DOS support was implemented in 2003!

In May of 2011, I received an email from Rex asking me if I would be interested in having a custom version of V distributed with Take Command, replacing the LIST viewer.

I was busy implementing some major changes for V13 at the time, and my initial reaction was that I really didn’t need the extra work! However, after further consideration, I thought that it would be a good way of making V available to a larger audience.

I decided to put all the major V changes on hold and concentrate on developing a view only version of V to be included with Take Command v13. The result was VIEW – which has all the file viewing functionality of V, but will only run on systems with a Take Comand license.

An added benefit of developing VIEW was that it forced me to separate the string resources from the main V program so VIEW could be translated to other languages. Not only will you shortly see some foreign language versions of VIEW, but there will also be foreign language versions of V – something that I had wanted to do for a very long time.

V13 will be released any day now, and I will start the long process of developing the next version (V14) which will hopefully include the major changes I had intended for V13.

If you would like to see any new functionality in VIEW, now would be a good time to let me know. Given that V14 will not be released until this time next year, I will have plenty of time to implement any suggestion – as long as I give it a high enough priority!

Tip of the Month #1

The "paging" option in TCC (/P in most commands) pauses after displaying each page of output.  This can be useful when you're looking for something in particular, but it can be annoying once you've found it and you just want to get to the end.

Take Command v13 now accepts an "All" key option in the prompt displayed by /P that turns off paging for the remainder of the output.  (The actual key will vary depending on the language you are using, and will be shown in the prompt.)

Tip of the Month #2

One of the new v13 features that many people have overlooked is the command-specific internal variables.

For example, DEL will set three internal variables:

  • %_del_dirs - The number of directories deleted
  • %_del_files - The number of files deleted
  • %_del_errors - The number of errors

and DIR will set:

  • %_dir_dirs - The number of directories displayed
  • %_dir_files - The number of files displayed
  • %_dir_errors - The number of errors

You can use the command internal variables to greatly simplify tasks like counting the number of subdirectories and files in a given directory.

Translated Web Help

If you are using the Web Help option in Take Command (which shows the HTML help on the web site, instead of the .CHM help in the Take Command directory), you will now see a "Translate" option.  This option uses Google Translate to translate the help from English to a language of your choice.  The translations aren't perfect, but if your English is shaky, it could be valuable in understanding the Take Command documentation.

JP Software Web Site Update

We're working on a major update of the JP Software web site.  The new site should be rolled out in another week or two, but if you'd like to get a preview go to

We'd love to hear from you if you have any comments or suggestions.  You can post them on the Support Forum, or email them to [email protected].

New Feature Requests

We're currently designing the next major update of Take Command. If you have something you'd like to see added (or if you want to support somebody else's suggestion), click on the orange Feedback tab on the left margin of any of our web or forum pages.

Take Command Educational Discounts

JP Software offers a 50% discount on Take Command (new copies and upgrades) to students and faculty.  (You will need a .edu address to qualify.)

For information on how to order, contact us at

Web Store Now Accepts Bank Transfers

In addition to major credit cards, PayPal, check, money order, and purchase orders, the JP Software web store now accepts bank transfers, the most common form of cashless payments in most countries within the EU and Asia-Pacific.

Take Command v13 Upgrades

Take Command v13.03.36 is the current release. You can see the full list of new features in v13 on the What’s New page in the v13 online help.

Upgrading from any prior version of Take Command, TCC, 4NT or 4DOS is only $49.95.

Download Take Command v13.0 30 day trial version
Download Take Command v13.0 x64 30 day trial version

Buy Take Command v13.0 at our web store

Offer 1 -- As an added inducement, we are allowing current users of Take Command or TCC / 4NT to purchase additional licenses at the upgrade price, including volume discounts. That's right, instead of $99.95 for additional licenses, you can get them for $49.95 or less. So if you want to add some additional licenses, now is the time. For example, if you have 5 licenses and want to add an additional 5, just order 10 upgrades and get them for the volume discount price of $36 per copy.

Offer 2 -- We are also offering a $30 discount on new copy prices if you go to our Facebook fan page ( The price is only $69.95 after discount. Feel free to forward this email to friends you think might benefit from the power of Take Command.