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Take Command Tutorials
Our new web site includes more than 20 tutorials on configuring and using Take Command and TCC. Check them out, and if you would like tutorials on additional topics, email us at [email protected].

Know Spanish?
We're looking for someone to help with the (partially completed) Spanish translation of the Take Command internal messages. We offer a free lifetime 10-system Take Command license to our translators. If you're interested in helping with Spanish (or any other currently unsupported language), please contact us at [email protected].

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May 2011

Monthly Tip - Conditional Breakpoints in the Take Command 12.10 Batch Debugger

We have added conditional breakpoints to the batch debugger in Take Command 12.10. In previous versions, a breakpoint was unconditional - you set it by clicking in the left margin, and the batch debugger would stop when it reached the breakpoint.

In 12.10, you can tell the debugger to stop the nth time it reaches a breakpoint (very useful in loops when you only want the breakpoint after a certain number of iterations). You can also optionally specify a conditional expression.

There is a new tabbed window at the bottom of the debugger window ("Breakpoints") that displays all your breakpoints by Line (line number in the batch file), Count (number of times this breakpoint has been reached), Break >= (the optional Count where you want to break), and Condition (the optional conditional expression).

For example, let's create a batch file called SQUARE.BTM that has a DO loop:

DO i=1 to 50 by 1
  echo i = %i
  set square=%@eval[i*i]
  echo %i squared = %square

Now click in the left margin on line four to set a breakpoint on the"echo %i squared = %square" command.

If we start the debugger and click on "Run to Breakpoint", we will stop on line four 50 times. But if we want to ignore the first 29 loop iterations, we can click on the tab for the Breakpoints window, double click on the "Break >=" column, and enter 30. Click on "Run to Breakpoint", and the debugger will break at the 30th iteration (and all subsequent iterations until the end).

What if we only want to break if i >= 30 and i <= 32? We can do a break on a conditional expression. Clear the "Break >=" column, and double-click on the "Condition" column. Enter:

 %i ge 30 .and. %i le 32

Now the debugger will only break when i is 30, 31, or 32.

You can use any of the conditional operators from the IF / IFF tests for your conditional breakpoints.

Take Command will save your breakpoints and conditions when the batch file is saved, and restore them when the file is reloaded. The breakpoint save file will be named "filename.ext.bp", so in the case of SQUARE.BTM you will see a breakpoint file named SQUARE.BTM.BP in the same directory.

If you'd like to request a new batch debugger feature, click on the orange Feedback button at

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Take Command 12.10 Upgrades

Take Command v12.10.63 is the current release. See the full list of new features on the “What’s New” page in the v12 online help.

Upgrading from any prior version of Take Command, TCC, 4NT or 4DOS is only $49.95. (Upgrading from v12.0 to v12.10 is free for registered v12.0 users. If you haven't received your 12.10 key, please contact us.)

Download the v12.10 30 Day Trial Version
Buy Take Command v12.10 at Our Web Store

Offer 1 -- As an added inducement, we are allowing current users of Take Command or TCC / 4NT to purchase additional licenses at the upgrade price, including volume discounts. That's right. Instead of $99.95 for additional licenses, you can get them for $49.95 or less.  So, if you want to add some additional licenses, now is the time. For example, if you have 5 licenses and want to add an additional 5, just order 10 upgrades and get them for the volume discount price of $37 per copy.

Offer 2 -- We are also offering a "Friends and Family" $30 discount on new copy prices using discount code "FandF30". The price is only $69.95 after discount. Feel free to forward this email to friends you think might benefit from the power of Take Command.

April 5-System License Winner
Congratulations to Niels Collin, the April winner of a 5-System Take Command 12.10 license. We give away a 5-system license every month to newsletter subscribers. Sign up on our web page at

Win a 10-system Take Command License
What could your company do with a 10-system license for Take Command v12.10? Send us your ideas - we'll award a free 10-system license every month, and feature your company (and your Take Command solution) on our web site. Send your ideas to [email protected].

How is Your Company Using Take Command?
We're launching a new section on our web site featuring our customer's solutions to complex problems (or nagging Windows issues). We'll give your company a page on our web site (including links back to your web site) to describe who you are, what you do, and how you're using Take Command to solve problems and create new opportunities. Contact us at [email protected].

Feedback and Suggestions
We have added a little orange tab on the left side of the JP Software web and forum pages labeled “Feedback”. Clicking on this tab launches a JavaScript widget that takes you to our Feedback forum.

Every user is given 20 votes, which they can spend on submitting their own new ideas, or voting on other ideas they would like to see implemented. When an idea is accepted or rejected by JP Software, the user gets their vote back. This provides a way for users to prioritize their favorite ideas, without being drowned out by a vocal minority of other users.

The Feedback forum will also match your suggestions against previous suggestions, to reduce the number of duplicate entries. You can discuss and develop suggestions via the comment threads, so that by the time we’re ready to implement an idea it has already been fully thought out.


JP Software, Inc.
JP Software, PO Box 328, Chestertown, MD 21620  phone: 1-800-595-8197