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Recent content by nickles

  1. nickles

    ANSI Colors Windows 7 no longer working

    How would I color my output in Windows 7 using TakeCommand 26?
  2. nickles

    ANSI Colors Windows 7 no longer working

    Sad to hear that...
  3. nickles

    ANSI Colors Windows 7 no longer working

    After upgrading from 25 to 26, with my tcmd.ini unchanged, e.g. "echo $e[34;1;42mHello, $e[m world!" will no longer print in color... I'm using Windows 7, 64-bit.
  4. nickles

    lucky.syr.edu will go away

    @vefatica Hohoho - you did it ;-) Enjoy your retirement!
  5. nickles

    SETICON error

    @vince The icon is not changed (I got this wrong in my initial post, as the first TCC started would have a different icon statically assigned), and %_? is -4. Thanks for looking into this!
  6. nickles

    SETICON error

    @vince Thanks for the new DLL. However, now I receive the error (Windows 10 only) in the attached image...
  7. nickles

    SETICON error

    @vince Any chance for a fix? If so, do you need additional info?
  8. nickles

    SETICON error

    In Windows 10 (64-bit, latest version of 4console.dll, and tcc.exe), I keep getting the following error message: > seticon c:\Windows\Resources\icons\tcc_blk.ico SETICON error: code = -4 > dir c:\Windows\Resources\icons\tcc_blk.ico 10.06.2009 07:56 13.262 tcc_blk.ico the icon file...
  9. nickles

    Command name parsing of GNU compilers

    @gentzel That's an argument you can use in either direction. (And in fact, it was already used by JPSoft to turn down other requests "this is not compatible with cmd.exe"). Anyway, I take it that most of the guys on this forum are ok with the current implemention; well then - so will I.
  10. nickles

    Command name parsing of GNU compilers

    First of all: Thanks for your input. However: What about the highly-praised compatibility of tcc? What when it comes to executing batches with "unknown" content?
  11. nickles

    Command name parsing of GNU compilers

    I understand that. However, this breaks compatibility with cmd.exe which also supports "+" for "copy" (besides, AFAIK there is no "copy+<to_something>"). Wouldn't it just be possible to accept "+" as part of the first token in the command line?
  12. nickles

    Command name parsing of GNU compilers

    That's a workaround, not a solution that is compatible with the behavior when there is no "c.btm" or no "g" alias. The program name is "c++" not "c". I think this is a parsing problem; having e.g. a "c.cmd" (or "c.bat" for that matter) in "c:\windows" doesn't prevent cmd.exe from starting "c++.exe".
  13. nickles

    Command name parsing of GNU compilers

    Calling c++ or g++ from tcc.exe results in the following errors when either a batch file, or an alias with a shorter name (matching the command name before the "++") is defined: PROMPT> c++ Usage: db [bcimp] (calls c.btm) PROMPT> g++ fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent...
  14. nickles

    WAD [Discrepancy] Have rmdir work like described in the docs

    @vefatica I'd like to replace some of MSys's "rm -rf ..."s - which sadly are much slower than "del" (which is not the fault of "rm" but that of MSys). Using your method would require me to replace quite a lot of "rm -rf" commands with the above mentioned "do" command which seems quite a bit of...
  15. nickles

    WAD [Discrepancy] Have rmdir work like described in the docs

    The docs for rmdir state: "File Selection Supports command dialog, extended wildcards, ranges, multiple file names, and include lists." Unfortunately wildcards (and maybe others) are not supported, so that e.g. rmdir /qs hsperfdata_* fails with TCC: (Sys) The directory name is invalid...