Scott Mintz
- May
- 1,590
- 27
I have a script that contains (among other things) the following lines:
However, I get inconsistent results when I run the script. I ran it three times in a row and got the "0 files deleted" message. Then I ran it in bdebugger and it deleted over 9000 files. Then again at the prompt with the following results. You can ignore the "4 failed" as that is expected since those are read-only files.
Any idea what's going on?
iff '%3' == 'clean' then
del /se *.obj;*.d;*.lib;*.lis;*Results.xml
However, I get inconsistent results when I run the script. I ran it three times in a row and got the "0 files deleted" message. Then I ran it in bdebugger and it deleted over 9000 files. Then again at the prompt with the following results. You can ignore the "4 failed" as that is expected since those are read-only files.
[R:\LogixTests\UnitTests] Build.btm Solutions.xml ReleasePC Clean
0 files deleted
Press any key when ready...^C
[R:\LogixTests\UnitTests] Build Solutions.xml ReleasePC Clean
Deleting R:\LogixTests\UnitTests\CmTests\SQLite\sqlite3.lib
Deleting R:\LogixTests\UnitTests\InstructionSet\FbImcTests\TuningTest\ProgOperTestRunResults.xml
Deleting R:\LogixTests\UnitTests\IoTests\Tools\dtl32\DebugPC\dtl32.lib
Deleting R:\LogixTests\UnitTests\IoTests\Tools\dtl32\ReleasePC\dtl32.lib
0 files deleted 4 failed
Press any key when ready...^C
[R:\LogixTests\UnitTests] Build.btm Solutions.xml ReleasePC Clean
Deleting R:\LogixTests\UnitTests\CmTests\SQLite\sqlite3.lib
Deleting R:\LogixTests\UnitTests\InstructionSet\FbImcTests\TuningTest\ProgOperTestRunResults.xml
Deleting R:\LogixTests\UnitTests\IoTests\Tools\dtl32\DebugPC\dtl32.lib
Deleting R:\LogixTests\UnitTests\IoTests\Tools\dtl32\ReleasePC\dtl32.lib
0 files deleted 4 failed
Press any key when ready...^C
Any idea what's going on?