I just downloaded 4utils.zip from ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/X64/4utils64.zip. I am on Windows 7 64bit. The date on the dll is 2/4/2016. Its size is 147,968 bytes. I put the dll in "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD19_x64\plugins\" which previously had safechars-x64.dll. When I start TCC I get the message: SafeChars plugin v1.9.1 loaded. But I get no message that 4utils has loaded. Then I did the command: plugin /l * and got the same message. I also put PluginDirectory="C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD19_x64\plugins" into the TCC.INI file, but that didn't help either. Can you help?