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A strange one

I noticed a strange behavior while messing with big dirs on a network (another thread). First v19, which I cannot make misbehave.
v:\> \\zz\v$\20000files\

\\zz\v$\20000files> dir

\\zz\v$\20000files> 44.*
TCC: Unknown command "44.*"

\\zz\v$\20000files> dir 44.*

 Directory of  \\zz\v$\20000files\44.*

[188 files, listed as expected]

                   0 bytes in 188 files and 0 dirs
       8,603,136,000 bytes free

Now with v20. The first time, I accidentally typed "44*" while the original DIR was in progress.
v:\> \\zz\v$\20000files\

\\zz\v$\20000files> dir

\\zz\v$\20000files> 44.*
TCC: Unknown command "44.*"

\\zz\v$\20000files> dir 44.*

 Directory of  \\zz\v$\20000files\44.*

[Only the first 112 files are listed
followed by 76 blank lines
and the partial summary below]

       8,603,136,000 bytes free

At this point, my TITLEPROMPT fails to appear in the title bar. And many commands, but not all, produce only blank lines as output. For example. VER.
\\zz\v$\20000files> ver


This happens in any newly instance of v20.

On another computer, there's misbehavior, but not quite the same. After those other commands, The "DIR 44*" stops short.
\\lucky\v$\20000files> dir 44*

 Directory of  \\lucky\v$\20000files\44*

2016-11-09  11:22               0  44.4171707993
2016-11-09  11:21               0  44.4242083754
2016-11-09  11:22               0  44.4250388814
                   0 bytes in 186 files and 0 dirs
      19,666,403,328 bytes free

It stops there, though there are more files:

\\lucky\v$\20000files> dir 44.5*

 Directory of  \\lucky\v$\20000files\44.5*

2016-11-09  11:22               0  44.503284011
2016-11-09  11:21               0  44.517285053
2016-11-09  11:21               0  44.529272279
2016-11-09  11:21               0  44.566077397
                   0 bytes in 4 files and 0 dirs
      19,666,403,328 bytes free