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About QueryInputChar()?

A few questions about QueryInputChar() ...

Is it case insensitive, both in pszMask and in the actual input?

Are non-alphanumerics in pszMask ignored? For example, does L"Y/N" mean only yYnN are acceptable?

Does it always *return* the uppercase version of the character that was entered?
> A few questions about QueryInputChar() ...
> Is it case insensitive, both in pszMask and in the actual input?

It shifts all input to upper case before comparing it to the mask.

> Are non-alphanumerics in pszMask ignored? For example, does L"Y/N"
> mean only yYnN are acceptable?

QueryInputChar will compare every character > an escape (27), *except* for /
(which is ignored).

> Does it always *return* the uppercase version of the character that was
> entered?

Yes, unless it's not an alphabetic character.

Rex Conn
JP Software