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Ada Demo (plugin)


Staff member

Author: Martin Krischik
PlugIn for: 4NT and Take Command
Primary download URL: [title]
Alternate download URL: mkutils.googlecode.com/files/Ada_Demo-

Ada_Demo is an implementation of the demo plug-in in Ada. If you want to learn how to create a plug-in program in Ada have look at the Plugin/Ada article here in the JPSoftware Wiki.



[B]Command           Parameter           Description[/B]
REMARK                              Print a remark on the demo.
TASKREMARK                          Adds a remark in background task.
DIR              DIR options        Prevents DIR on even minutes.
USEBUFFER         Number      prints a number with thousand separators.
TRACEHELP              Show online help for Trace functions.
TRACEWRITELINENUMBER     TRUE ¦ FALSE     Write a line number for each trace line
TRACEENABLE     TRUE ¦ FALSE     Enable Trace
TRACEVERBOSE     TRUE ¦ FALSE     Verbose Trace
TRACETO     FILE ¦ CONSOLE     Trace to File or to Console
TRACEFILE     Filename     Sets Tracefilename (with implicid TRACETO FILE)
TRACEWRITEPREFIX     TRUE ¦ FALSE     Write a line prefix for each trace line
TRACEWRITE     Text     Write a single line of text to the trace

Internal Variables

[B]Command     Parameter     Description[/B]
_HELLO     Text     Hello String.
_TASKREMARK     Text     Current Status of the background task.
_TRACEWRITELINENUMBER     TRUE ¦ FALSE     Write a line number for each trace line?
_TRACEENABLE     TRUE ¦ FALSE     Trace Enabled?
_TRACEVERBOSE     TRUE ¦ FALSE     Verbose Trace activ?
_TRACETO     FILE ¦ CONSOLE     Trace to File or to Console
_TRACEFILE     Filename     Curent Tracefilename
_TRACEWRITEPREFIX     ON ¦ OFF     Write a line prefix for each trace line?

Internal Functions

[B]Command     Parameter     Description[/B]
@REVERSE     [String]     Reverses String.

Environment Variables

The environment Variables are read when the plug-in is loaded.

[B]Command            Parameter          Description[/B]
%TRACEWRITELINENUMBER     TRUE ¦ FALSE     Write a line number for each trace line?
%TRACEENABLE            TRUE ¦ FALSE    Trace Enabled?
%TRACEVERBOSE           TRUE ¦ FALSE    Verbose Trace activ?
%TRACETO                FILE ¦ CONSOLE Trace to File or to Console
%TRACEFILE              Filename           Current Tracefilename
%TRACEWRITEPREFIX       TRUE ¦ FALSE    Write a line prefix for each trace line?

Key Mapping

Sadly the key mapping makes the Demo unusable for normal work but on the other hand without a key mapping the demo would not demonstate all possible functions.
[B]Mapping function     Mapped Key     Description[/B]
*KEY                        a           turns the 'a' into an 'A'.


Ada_Demo are free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Ada_Demo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Ada_Demo. If not, see [title].
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