due to daily network testing and setup I created some aliases to ease the maintenance under Windows.
How could I accomplish to complete the alias 'set' on pressing tab for example (using TCC/TCMD 11)? On first tab to setifname, on second tab to setdhcp, on third setip and so on. I thought alias-completion is nothing magic and expected it works out of the box or at least there is a check box to activate it. But I didn't find anything in the documentation neither here in the forum.
My workaround so far is the following alias (agrep is my abbreviation for alias grep):
agrep=alias | ffind /t"%1" /KMVLI
Typing 'agrep set' shows all lines with 'set'. It works so far, but I would like to have the smarter solution like in zsh.
Any ideas?
Best regards,
due to daily network testing and setup I created some aliases to ease the maintenance under Windows.
setifname=netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" newname="eth0"
setdhcp=netsh interface ip set address name="eth0" source=dhcp
setip=netsh interface ip set address name="eth0" source=static addr=89.x.x.x mask= gateway=89.x.x.1 1
set_prv_ip=netsh interface ip set address name="eth0" source=static addr= mask= gateway= 1
setdns1=netsh interface ip set dns name="eth0" source="static" addr=""
setdns2=netsh interface ip add dns name="eth0" addr="" index=2
getip=netsh interface ip show config
getdns=netsh interface ip show dns
How could I accomplish to complete the alias 'set' on pressing tab for example (using TCC/TCMD 11)? On first tab to setifname, on second tab to setdhcp, on third setip and so on. I thought alias-completion is nothing magic and expected it works out of the box or at least there is a check box to activate it. But I didn't find anything in the documentation neither here in the forum.
My workaround so far is the following alias (agrep is my abbreviation for alias grep):
agrep=alias | ffind /t"%1" /KMVLI
Typing 'agrep set' shows all lines with 'set'. It works so far, but I would like to have the smarter solution like in zsh.
Any ideas?
Best regards,