DIR /:
shows all file streams however in the final total bytes shown for a directory, the size of alternate streams are not counted (TCC LE 13.06.77 x64)
Same with TREE.
[C:\Workspace]>dir a.a /:
Volume in drive C is Windows8_OS Serial number is f"£$%&/()
Directory of C:\Workspace\a.a
05/06/2015 14.05 41 a.a
429.455.360 bump:$DATA
429.455.360 largestream:$DATA
899 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 4.096 bytes allocated
I wonder where those 899 bytes comes from.
shows all file streams however in the final total bytes shown for a directory, the size of alternate streams are not counted (TCC LE 13.06.77 x64)
Same with TREE.
[C:\Workspace]>dir a.a /:
Volume in drive C is Windows8_OS Serial number is f"£$%&/()
Directory of C:\Workspace\a.a
05/06/2015 14.05 41 a.a
429.455.360 bump:$DATA
429.455.360 largestream:$DATA
899 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 4.096 bytes allocated
I wonder where those 899 bytes comes from.