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alternate streams size not counted

DIR /:
shows all file streams however in the final total bytes shown for a directory, the size of alternate streams are not counted (TCC LE 13.06.77 x64)
Same with TREE.

[C:\Workspace]>dir a.a /:

Volume in drive C is Windows8_OS Serial number is f"£$%&/()
Directory of C:\Workspace\a.a

05/06/2015 14.05 41 a.a
429.455.360 bump:$DATA
429.455.360 largestream:$DATA
899 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 4.096 bytes allocated

I wonder where those 899 bytes comes from.
Not reproducible here:

[D:\TakeCommand18\tcc]dir wsh.rexh /:

 Volume in drive D is Development  Serial number is 581d:31ad
 Directory of  D:\TakeCommand18\tcc\wsh.rexh

 9/23/2014  23:32  454  Wsh.rexh
      88  ♣SummaryInformation:$DATA
        0  {4c8cc155-6c1e-11d1-8e41-00c04fb9386d}:$DATA 
    542 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs  4,096 bytes allocated
  343,563,309,056 bytes free

Are you seeing this on all files with streams or only one?
All files but as you can see I'm using TCC LE v13. Maybe it has been fixed in newer (but non free) versions....
Ok, I thought that maybe you were using TakeCommand18 (your working dir)
Anyway I tried with small streams as in your case and it worked correctly for me too. Then Tried again with a large alternate stream and failed again.
Try e.g. this:

echo Hi > testas.txt
type \windows\explorer.exe > testas.txt:explorer
dir /: testas.txt

I get:
[C:\...\x]>echo Hi > testas.txt

[C:\...\x]>type \Windows\explorer.exe > testas.txt:explorer

[C:\...\x]>dir /: testas.txt

Volume in drive C is Windows8_OS Serial number is xxasdasd
Directory of C:\Users\x\testas.txt

05/06/2015 17.06 4 testas.txt
2.501.368 explorer:$DATA
6 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 4.096 bytes allocated
I see the same thing here with v17. It looks like it counted 2 bytes instead of 2,616,320.
v:\> dir /k /: str*
2015-06-05  12:19  5  stream.txt
  2,616,320  explorer:$DATA
  7 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs  4,096 bytes allocated
  6,601,097,216 bytes free
Weird, why would you read the size from its string representation instead of using the binary value returned by NT APIs?