- Jun
- 111
- 1
There are still some instances where I get multiple password prompts when
accessing files via FTP and not using IFTP. As shown below, DIR works
correctly but COPY does not. It doesn't matter whether the usernmae and
asteriisk are in an FTP.CFG file or specified on the command line.
C:\...\TCMD11>ver /r
TCC 11.00.30 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 30 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3
Registered to Howard Goldstein - 1 System License
C:\...\TCMD11>type ftp.cfg
jpsoft.com anonymous *
C:\test>*dir ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
Directory of ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
10/07/2006 0:00 535,471 4os2304.zip
535,471 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs
C:\test>copy ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip => C:\test\4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
1 file copied
C:\test>*dir ftp://anonymous:*@jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
Directory of ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
10/07/2006 0:00 535,471 4os2304.zip
535,471 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs
C:\test>copy ftp://anonymous:*@jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip => C:\test\4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
1 file copied
accessing files via FTP and not using IFTP. As shown below, DIR works
correctly but COPY does not. It doesn't matter whether the usernmae and
asteriisk are in an FTP.CFG file or specified on the command line.
C:\...\TCMD11>ver /r
TCC 11.00.30 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 30 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3
Registered to Howard Goldstein - 1 System License
C:\...\TCMD11>type ftp.cfg
jpsoft.com anonymous *
C:\test>*dir ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
Directory of ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
10/07/2006 0:00 535,471 4os2304.zip
535,471 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs
C:\test>copy ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip => C:\test\4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
1 file copied
C:\test>*dir ftp://anonymous:*@jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
Directory of ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
10/07/2006 0:00 535,471 4os2304.zip
535,471 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs
C:\test>copy ftp://anonymous:*@jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
ftp://jpsoft.com/free/4os2304.zip => C:\test\4os2304.zip
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): ******************
1 file copied