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attribute "P"?

I downloaded four executable files from an internet site (roxio, if it is important). If I try to run them, I get an error, I believe it is a windows protection system. I should be able to check files properties and see an unblock button. But this button is missing. Anyway, if I use internal attrib command, I see two attributes that seem to be set, the classic "A" and the unknown (to me) "P" (protected?). This happens with tcmd 9.02 registered and with tcc/le 10 and tcc/le 11 beta. Is it possible to set and to remove the "P" attribute with tcmd 9.02 and/or with the latest tcc/le? If not, can You consider it as an addition to wishlist?

Thank You very much

Rodolfo Giovanninetti
Re: attribute "P"?

I downloaded four executable files from an internet site (roxio, if it is important). If I try to run them, I get an error, I believe it is a windows protection system. I should be able to check files properties and see an unblock button. But this button is missing. Anyway, if I use internal attrib command, I see two attributes that seem to be set, the classic "A" and the unknown (to me) "P" (protected?). This happens with tcmd 9.02 registered and with tcc/le 10 and tcc/le 11 beta. Is it possible to set and to remove the "P" attribute with tcmd 9.02 and/or with the latest tcc/le? If not, can You consider it as an addition to wishlist?

If I'm not mistaken, that P indicates a "sparse" file. I don't think an executable should be sparse; I'll bet those files are simply corrupt. Try downloading them again.

(Internet file blocking is done via an additional data stream, not attributes. I don't recall the stream name, but DIR /: should reveal it if it's there. It probably isn't, since Explorer doesn't show the relevant button.)
> I downloaded four executable files from an internet site (roxio, if it
> is important). If I try to run them, I get an error, I believe it is a
> windows protection system. I should be able to check files properties
> and see an unblock button. But this button is missing. Anyway, if I use
> internal attrib command, I see two attributes that seem to be set, the
> classic "A" and the unknown (to me) "P" (protected?). This happens with
> tcmd 9.02 registered and with tcc/le 10 and tcc/le 11 beta. Is it
> possible to set and to remove the "P" attribute with tcmd 9.02 and/or
> with the latest tcc/le? If not, can You consider it as an addition to
> wishlist?

The 'P' attribute indicates a "sparse" file, and cannot be changed by
ATTRIB. (Windows limitation; it can only be specified when the file is

TCC has no control over whether a file can be executed; that's handled by
Windows. You should be able to open an explorer window and right click on
the files to enable them.

Rex Conn
JP Software