So I came across a script by someone which succeeds in backing up and restoring modification dates only but not creation.
pdir /(fpn"|"dy/m/d"|"th:m:s) /T:w /a:-d * >c:\flist.txt
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %a in (@c:\flist.txt) do touch /d%b /t%c "%a"
Is there a script in TCC LE that'll copy both the timestamps of every file in a given folder and then restore it should these timestamps ever change because a file got accidentally modified etc.?
pdir /(fpn"|"dy/m/d"|"th:m:s) /T:w /a:-d * >c:\flist.txt
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %a in (@c:\flist.txt) do touch /d%b /t%c "%a"
Is there a script in TCC LE that'll copy both the timestamps of every file in a given folder and then restore it should these timestamps ever change because a file got accidentally modified etc.?