Please list the timestamps of all current plugins (and preferrably a hash sum as well, CRC32, MD5, or both). E.g.,
for %x in ( pdir/t:wu/(z r m dy-m-d"Z"th:m:s fnq) %x
which displays UTC (independent of time zone and DST). Assumption: the filename of each DLL is unique, i.e., the 32b and 64b DLLs have different names (a rule both you and Charles Dye seem to follow). This is useful because is allows to verify that the currently loaded plugin is not obsolete. It also need to list support files identical for the 32b and 64b versions only once.
Alternately, you might provide similar information for the distributed archive files instead. However, not all of us are "packrats" who retain every version of all archives, and those who choose to delete the distribution archive after successfully installing its contents (a reasonable approach disk space is low) would not be able to check if theirs is the latest version. Dates of local copies of distribution archives may reflect downloading, possibly months later than created, not content.
Note: The latest is dated 2012-11-27 and on 2012-12-05 that I downloaded. Currently on Lucky (using PDIR through IFTP) there is a dated 2013-07-14, and NO
Let me know when to try again.
Incidentally, we should move this thread to PLUGINS. Please reply there...