From: rconn
| Steve Fabian:
|| Is there a limit of 30 variables for the debugger's watch list?
| No.
I tried to paste a list longer than 30 variables, but only the first 30 were entered, and - IIRC - I could not create more entries manually, either.
| Quote:
|| I would suggest:
|| 1/ Increase the limit
|| 2/ Provide a method to indicate "watch all variables"
| That's what the Environment window does.
Sorry, you answered what I wrote, not what I meant, which was "all variables modified in the batch file".
| Quote:
|| 3/ Provide an option that any watched variable moves to the top of
|| the watch window when changed
| I tried that early on, but it made it impossible to use the watch
| list, as you never knew where the variables were going to be.
| When a variable changes, it is highlighted in red (in the watch and
| the Environment windows), so it's easy to see what changed.
Others also mentioned already that the color change is not always easily noticable. I, too, think that color reversal is the easiest to notice.
I have not tested how this works with "run to breakpoint". I hope the highlighting applies to ALL watched variables that changed since the previous break.
Another desirable enhancement of the watch window (and possibly of the environment window) would be to provide multiple columns, similar to what "dir /w" does, to reduce scrolling. Any value longer than the display width could be displayed by "hovering".