On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 22:56:29 -0400, rconn <> wrote:
|> If I start Spy++ (G:\VS2008\Common7\Tools\spyxx.exe) while IDE.EXE is
|> running (and idle), I get "An unhandler Win32 exception occurred in
|> ide.exe" (JIT debugging dialog).
|---End Quote---
|Spy++ is making a (malformed) message call through ide.exe to a Windows API,
|which is crashing. Not much I'm going to be able to do about that.
IDE.EXE certainly is unique in that respect.
You can't even catch it with WinDbg. IDE.EXE just disappears and WinDbg doesn't
have a clue what happened.
- Vince