rconn wrote:
| ---Quote (Originally by Steve Fábián)---
| I never received build 47 upload notice.
| The only upload messages I received this year in this NG were:
| 31 34 35 36 37 40 41 43 44 46
| Will mail delivery of the NG ever be dependable?
Your response failed to cut off my signature, which, as always, correctly
contained the signature separator line "-- ". In consequence all of your
response was cut off when I tried to reply. You wrote that your mail server
In any event, I accessed my raw mail on the Comcast server through
"webmail". Build 46 notice is there, but not the one for build 47. Note that
I keep all incoming mail on the server until I delete my local copy via the
Outlook Express' feature which in such event sends a "delete" message to the
server. I delete messages from JPsoft.com only when spam gets through your
For future I just changed the mail server setting to preserve "spam" until I
explicitly delete it. I have no spam filter set locally in my mail client.
This will allow me to check back through the ever so slow webmail service
when I become aware of a missed build notice. Perhaps you could send me
private email just once, the next time you post a build notice, so I would
be aware of the need to look for it.