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Can't install v13 build 15

First I tried the automatic upgrade (option /u) ... got this:


    *** Stack Trace (x86) ***

[0x988a840f]   -----
[0x6ed27a94]   MsiSetOfflineContextW()
[0x6ebea45c]   MsiInvalidateFeatureCache()
[0x6ec45b92]   MsiGetPropertyW()
[0x00a4da54]   -----
[0x00a5b2a1]   -----
[0x009e2a92]   -----
[0x009d5c6c]   -----
[0x009d76f6]   -----
[0x009d7637]   -----
[0x009dbe8e]   -----
[0x7769c4e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x776b5b7c]   CreateDialogParamW()
[0x776b59f3]   CreateDialogParamW()
[0x77684ed5]   GetProcessDefaultLayout()
[0x77695582]   SendMessageW()
[0x74b75464]   Ordinal392()
[0x74afbbf2]   GetWindowSubclass()
[0x74afb908]   GetWindowSubclass()
[0x7769c4e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x7769c5e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x77691b31]   PeekMessageA()
[0x77691b57]   CallWindowProcW()
[0x009eb2a0]   -----
[0x7769c4e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x7769c5e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x77694f0e]   GetScrollBarInfo()
[0x77688c29]   SetWindowLongA()
[0x77a76fee]   KiUserCallbackDispatcher()
[0x009dc89d]   -----
The previous build was uninstalled. Then I DL'd TCMD.EXE from the beta directory, tried to install, and got this (don't understand the 64-bit address):

Exception - [SEH_AV_DEP_BADPTR] ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x927f84c3988a840f.

    *** Stack Trace (x86) ***

[0x988a840f]   -----
[0x6ed27a94]   MsiSetOfflineContextW()
[0x6ebea45c]   MsiInvalidateFeatureCache()
[0x6ec45b92]   MsiGetPropertyW()
[0x00f1da54]   -----
[0x00f2b2a1]   -----
[0x00f32c8d]   -----
[0x00f32a84]   -----
[0x00f2844c]   -----
[0x00f2cd18]   -----
[0x00f2cb19]   -----
[0x00ed9ef6]   -----
[0x00eda0a7]   -----
[0x00ed8fa6]   -----
[0x00ed5ebe]   -----
[0x0014f778]   -----
[0x004a005c]   -----
Then I DL'd again, tried to install, and got this:


    *** Stack Trace (x86) ***

[0x988a840f]   -----
[0x6ed27a94]   MsiSetOfflineContextW()
[0x6ebea45c]   MsiInvalidateFeatureCache()
[0x6ec45b92]   MsiGetPropertyW()
[0x0110da54]   -----
[0x0111b2a1]   -----
[0x010a2a92]   -----
[0x01095c6c]   -----
[0x010976f6]   -----
[0x01097637]   -----
[0x0109be8e]   -----
[0x7769c4e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x776b5b7c]   CreateDialogParamW()
[0x776b59f3]   CreateDialogParamW()
[0x77684ed5]   GetProcessDefaultLayout()
[0x77695582]   SendMessageW()
[0x74b75464]   Ordinal392()
[0x74afbbf2]   GetWindowSubclass()
[0x74afb908]   GetWindowSubclass()
[0x7769c4e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x7769c5e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x77691b31]   PeekMessageA()
[0x77691b57]   CallWindowProcW()
[0x010ab2a0]   -----
[0x7769c4e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x7769c5e7]   gapfnScSendMessage()
[0x77694f0e]   GetScrollBarInfo()
[0x77688c29]   SetWindowLongA()
[0x77a76fee]   KiUserCallbackDispatcher()
[0x0109c89d]   -----
The first three times I tried to install, BTM (and only BTM) was pre-checked (never saw that before). I left it checked. All three failed (see my other post).

The fourth time, I unchecked it (in the past I always left all three unchecked). The install succeeded.
The first three times I tried to install, BTM (and only BTM) was pre-checked (never saw that before). I left it checked. All three failed (see my other post).

The fourth time, I unchecked it (in the past I always left all three unchecked). The install succeeded.

I should have added, when all was said and done, btm_auto_file was still handled by v12 ... so the BTM option, which I left checked the first three install attempts, was either never reached, or didn't work.
I should have added, when all was said and done, btm_auto_file was still handled by v12 ... so the BTM option, which I left checked the first three install attempts, was either never reached, or didn't work.

That's handled by Windows Installer, not me. Since it apparently isn't working 100% reliably on all systems, I've removed it from the installer for v13.
My installs have so far gone quite smoothly.
However, given Vince's remarks about the .BTM association I decided
to see what my installation had done. It has issues.

I had .BTM checked, .CMD and .BAT unchecked.

[C:\TC13] assoc .btm
.BTM=JP Software.Take Command 13.0.BTM

[C:\TC13] ftype "JP Software.Take
Command 13.0.BTM"
TCC: File type not found or no open
command associated with "JP Software.Take Command 13.0.BTM"


vefatica <> wrote on 09/08/2011
01:22:14 AM:

> I should have added, when all was said and done, btm_auto_file was

> still handled by v12 ... so the BTM option, which I left checked the
> first three install attempts, was either never reached, or didn't
On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 11:38:39 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|---Quote (Originally by vefatica)---
|I should have added, when all was said and done, btm_auto_file was still handled by v12 ... so the BTM option, which I left checked the first three install attempts, was either never reached, or didn't work.
|---End Quote---
|That's handled by Windows Installer, not me. Since it apparently isn't working 100% reliably on all systems, I've removed it from the installer for v13.

I was off-base there. I only looked at btm_auto_file (where I had recently been
in RegEdit) expecting that to have changed. I was not aware that you use a
different file type and I didn't check the type of ".BTM". So I really have no
idea whether the installer did what it was supposed to do or not.

What is "btm_auto_file" anyway ... is it the result of my manually making the
BMT association?