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SignUp Now!Thank you, but your runweb.cmd save my batch into the %temp% folder. Does exist a way to run a remote batch without to save it in the hard drive?
Run("C:\mycompiledbatch.exe","/C /parameter")
Tried now to encrypt my batch with BATCOMP. How can i launch the encrypted file to test it?
@echo off
echo TEST OK
>nul pause
batcomp /E /O mybatch.cmd myencryptedbatch.cmd
Batcomp has now created the "myencryptedbatch.cmd" file. Editing it, i found something like this:
How can i run the "myencryptedbatch.cmd" batch file?
The page "Batch File Compression" says, "JP Software does not provide a utility to decompress batch files. If you use BATCOMP, make sure that you also keep a copy of the original batch file for future inspection or modification."What is the command to decrypt an encrypted batch? In the Help i can only find the batcomp to encrypt.
Does exist a way to read the source of a .btm encrypted file? Is it secure?
Now i've tried to encrypt a big size batch file (over 80kb). It contains several FOR / commands.
It seems that the new encrypted .btm is too long. It gives an error about a label that can't found.