T ThomasBa Aug 3 0 2019-08-19 #1 Hello a simple batch @echo off net use \\WS01\Win7-01$ echo %ERRORLEVEL% pause shows in echo errorlevel 2 if it running without debugger inside cmdebug the output of %ERRORLEVEL% is empty OS: Windows 7, 64 bit
Hello a simple batch @echo off net use \\WS01\Win7-01$ echo %ERRORLEVEL% pause shows in echo errorlevel 2 if it running without debugger inside cmdebug the output of %ERRORLEVEL% is empty OS: Windows 7, 64 bit
A AnrDaemon Aug 763 11 2019-08-19 #2 What about other programs that end in error? What if you CALL a batch file with a single line "EXIT /B 1" ?
What about other programs that end in error? What if you CALL a batch file with a single line "EXIT /B 1" ?
T ThomasBa Aug 3 0 2019-08-19 #3 same procedure dir \\WS01\Win7-01$ echo %ERRORLEVEL% empty %ERRORLEVEL% in cmdebug if I call a single line from cmdebug EXIT /B 1 I got: EXIT /B 1 in cmdDebug Window
same procedure dir \\WS01\Win7-01$ echo %ERRORLEVEL% empty %ERRORLEVEL% in cmdebug if I call a single line from cmdebug EXIT /B 1 I got: EXIT /B 1 in cmdDebug Window
rconn Administrator May 13,555 242 Staff member 2019-08-19 #4 The (pseudo)variable ERRORLEVEL was inadvertently excluded when you have the syntax set to CMD. It has been fixed for the next build. In the meantime, you can change to TCC syntax & ERRORLEVEL will be expanded correctly.
The (pseudo)variable ERRORLEVEL was inadvertently excluded when you have the syntax set to CMD. It has been fixed for the next build. In the meantime, you can change to TCC syntax & ERRORLEVEL will be expanded correctly.
rconn Administrator May 13,555 242 Staff member 2019-08-19 #6 No, it's in 25.0.9 which will be uploaded later today.