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ColorDir in the latest ConEmu

Charles Dye

Super Moderator
Staff member
Now tell me this ain't cool:


The latest ConEmu allows you to trade two background colors for boldface and italic, respectively. So directory listings can be colored and styled....

You can instead (or also) trade one background color for an additional 16 foreground colors, for the real fruit-salad experience.
Could you please also post your colordir string used for that image?

Despite a few limp attempts, I can't seem to recreate that loveliness.

set colordir=junction:12 on 13;dirs:12;txt:11;com exe:10 on 13;bat btm cmd:10;ini:15 on 12;

And here's the magic in ConEmu's Settings dialog:


Note the two numbers after "Extend fonts" -- 12 and 13, which correspond to boldface and italic, respectively. See how some of the directory colors end in ON 12 and ON 13?

This feature only works in the current beta builds, by the way. The current ConEmu release build does offer the "Extend fonts" function in the dialog, but it doesn't work. So if you've been beating your head against it, that may be why!
Thank you for that, Charles. I'm not customarily an early adopter, so I hadn't (am still not) running the beta ... but I admit to being tempted now.

[Update: That bullet has been bitten. I put in the latest beta and now my directory listings look exactly as your example. Stunning, really.]
set colordir=junction:12 on 13;dirs:12;txt:11;com exe:10 on 13;bat btm cmd:10;ini:15 on 12;

And here's the magic in ConEmu's Settings dialog:

Hello Charles,
I had never bothered to look at ConEmu, but your "cool" tip enticed me, so I did some reading about ConEmu, and discovered that ConEmu does DosBox integration like Wine does!

When I am running 4NT8 via Wine on Ubuntu (4NT8 is the only version that I can get to run with Wine), when I run a DOS application, it automatically launches DosBox, and runs the DOS Application.

I tried running a DOS application from TCC within ConEmu, and it automatically launches DosBox, and runs the DOS Application.

For a dinosaur like myself, it's great to have this ability on a Windows Vista system.

I also noticed another thing about ConEmu on my two-monitor system. I have ConEmu/TCC fullscreen on monitor one. When I switch to another window on monitor two, ConEmu/TCC dims. When I switch back to ConEmu/TCC on monitor one, it brightens back up.

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Hello Charles,
i want have colored directory output like in bash. It's possible to do this with conemu + cmd ? Could you Please tell me what i have to download to do this? (TCC LE ?) Where i have put this string you discussed about in higher posts. Thanks for help.
Hello Charles,
i want have colored directory output like in bash. It's possible to do this with conemu + cmd ? Could you Please tell me what i have to download to do this? (TCC LE ?) Where i have put this string you discussed about in higher posts. Thanks for help.

CMD.EXE doesn't do colorized directories, though there are probably external directory utilities out there which you can use with CMD. (Ports of ls, maybe?)

It's easy to colorize directories in Take Command and TCC/LE. In either one:

Type OPTION at the prompt, and press Enter.
Select the "Windows" tab. It's the second tab from the left.
Find the box labelled "Directory Colors". Enter this string:
dirs:12;com exe:10;bat btm cmd:2;txt doc me:11;
Press OK. Try the DIR command. Try changing my string to see how it works.

There's a mini-tutorial you can look at here: http://jpsoft.com/tutorials/tcc-colorized-directories.html

You don't need ConEmu for any of this, by the way. (I was using it in this thread to show off directory colors and styles, a more complex -- but kinda geeky-cool -- feature.)
Hello Charles,
TCC is absolutely what i was long time looking for... works great!
I have question, when i set up in windows tab input color or error color it will not be saved and when i open option -> windows tab again, there is still "default" in drop down menu..... ? What i'm doing wrong ?


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Hello Charles,
TCC is absolutely what i was long time looking for... works great!
I have question, when i set up in windows tab input color or error color it will not be saved and when i open option -> windows tab again, there is still "default" in drop down menu..... ? What i'm doing wrong ?

For the output, input, and error colors, I think you need to set both the foreground and the background colors. I don't think TCC allows you to set, say, just the error foreground but use the default background color for error messages.