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Command Line Editing Issue

I just tried using version 34 again and found a problem that seriously interferes with my work.

When one tries to edit a command line by clicking the cursor in the desired location for an insertion and then types, the text is inserted one character to the right of where the cursor was placed.

Here is an example. The cursor has been placed right after "is" with the intention of inserting "n't" to make it "isn't".


This is what happens after typing the "n't".


This does not happen with version 33.

In case it is not clear, I have configured TCMD to use a 15% cursor for insert mode and a 100% cursor for overtype mode. The problem occurs with version 34 on both my desktop and laptop computers.
I should add that this problem occurs for TCC running in a TCMD tab and with the cursor placed using the mouse. It does not happen when the cursor is placed using the left or right arrow keys.
Now I just stumbled on another, possibly related, problem with the command line. At a new prompt, if I click the mouse in the line for the new command, the cursor does not go to the beginning of the line; it goes wherever I click. When I type, the new text starts one character farther to the right. Sometimes garbage text appears. The behavior varies depending on my prompt, so it may have something to do with that. I'm using a two-line prompt.


Now I set a very simple prompt, and the problem still occurs. I can click the mouse anywhere on the line, and it does not go to the beginning of the line. When I start typing, text from a previous command appears. Here I clicked about 10 characters from the prompt and typed 'e', after which the "mpt" appeared on its own.
