- Sep
- 45
- 1
TCC 20.11.40 x64 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
Volume in drive C is TI106230W0C Serial number is 68d7:a1a2
Directory of C:\X\BUG\*
2/28/2017 0:23 <DIR> .
2/28/2017 0:23 <DIR> ..
2/28/2017 0:11 8,587 CBS%20Radio%20Mystery%20Theater%2074-01-18%20e0013%20A%20Ring%20of%20Roses.mp3
8,587 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs 12,288 bytes allocated
349,547,683,840 bytes free
[c:\x\bug]dir "CBS%%20Radio%%20Mystery%20Theater%2074-01-18%20e0013%20A%20Ring%20of%20Roses.mp3%%%%%%%"
FWIW, I have also seen it position the misplaced percent signs at the beginning of the expanded name rather than at the end.