According to your FAQ we can change the default command processor. I changed it to the following and rebooted.
"C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD15x64\tcmd.exe"
Yet clicking on a batch file in Explorer still runs up cmd.exe What am I doing wrong?
Note: I tried this with TCC/LE on a different computer too and got the same results. All computers are Win7-64 based.
"C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD15x64\tcmd.exe"
Yet clicking on a batch file in Explorer still runs up cmd.exe What am I doing wrong?
Note: I tried this with TCC/LE on a different computer too and got the same results. All computers are Win7-64 based.
2. How do I change the default command processor?
You can change the default command processor by going to the Control Panel / System / Advanced System Settings / Advanced / Environment Variables, and changing the value of "ComSpec" in the System Variables window.
For example, in v14 you'd change it to something like: c:\program files\jpsoft\tcmd14\tcc.exe depending on where you installed TCMD & TCC.