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Documentation Comspec not working

According to your FAQ we can change the default command processor. I changed it to the following and rebooted.

"C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD15x64\tcmd.exe"

Yet clicking on a batch file in Explorer still runs up cmd.exe What am I doing wrong?

Note: I tried this with TCC/LE on a different computer too and got the same results. All computers are Win7-64 based.

2. How do I change the default command processor?
You can change the default command processor by going to the Control Panel / System / Advanced System Settings / Advanced / Environment Variables, and changing the value of "ComSpec" in the System Variables window.
For example, in v14 you'd change it to something like: c:\program files\jpsoft\tcmd14\tcc.exe depending on where you installed TCMD & TCC.
According to your FAQ we can change the default command processor. I changed it to the following and rebooted.

"C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD15x64\tcmd.exe"

Yet clicking on a batch file in Explorer still runs up cmd.exe What am I doing wrong?

It sounds like you want to change a file association, not the default command shell. Try running the batch file TCCBATCH.BTM in the program directory. (I recommend that you associate .BTM files with TCC, but leave .BAT and .CMD alone; they are probably best run in CMD.EXE.)
Another important point: The command processor is tcc.exe; tcmd.exe is the tabbed console interface. You may run any console program, including tcc.exe and cmd.exe in a tcmd tab. You can run multiple instances of both command processors in different tabs of the same instance of tcmd.
It sounds like you want to change a file association, not the default command shell. Try running the batch file TCCBATCH.BTM in the program directory. (I recommend that you associate .BTM files with TCC, but leave .BAT and .CMD alone; they are probably best run in CMD.EXE.)
Yes, this fixed it... Thanks...