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COPY ... TO: issue

I recognize that I gave a bit of a silly syntax, but it did not behave well
at all, I believe.

I often copy files into the current folder with "copy file". I started to
type my copy command, thinking I was going to copy it multiple locations,
then decided against it. I ended up with "copy file to:" and no destination
specified. Unfortunately, it copied the file into my O: drive. Luckily, it
did not destroy any data there, but it seems like either copying to the
current folder (best) or throwing a syntax error is necessary. Using any
other two letter and colon (e.g. copy file ab:) gives what I believe to be
the proper error message, if an error message is thrown: "TCC: (Sys) The
filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.".

I believe that copying into O: is a bug, and potentially a damaging one.

Jim Cook
2010 Sundays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Monday.
Or do you have a directory alias defined?


rconn <> wrote on 11/30/2010 01:16:57 PM:

> ---Quote (Originally by Jim Cook)---
> I believe that copying into O: is a bug, and potentially a damaging one.
> ---End Quote---
> Not reproducible here, and (from a quick pass through the code) not
> possible in the code unless you have additional arguments after the

> Do you have an alias for COPY?
I do not have directory aliases, but did have an alias for copy. Here are
the results of some tests. The copy should go into D:\TEST, I believe.

D:\test>*copy \foo to:
Usage : COPY [/A:[[-][+]rhsdaecjot] /CDEFGH /FTP:A /I"text" /JKLM /MD
/N[dejnst] /O:[-]adegnrstu /OPQR /Sn /TUVWXZ] source [+] ... [/A /B] [TO:]
destination [...] [/A /B]

D:\test>*copy \foo to: /g
D:\foo => D:\g
1 file copied

D:\test>*copy /g \foo to:
D:\foo => O:\foo
1 file copied

D:\test>*copy \foo to: /g
D:\foo => D:\g
1 file copied

D:\test>*copy \foo /g
D:\foo => D:\test\foo
1 file copied

D:\test>*copy \foo
D:\foo => D:\test\foo
1 file copied

D:\test>*copy /g \foo
D:\foo => D:\test\foo
1 file copied

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:16, rconn <> wrote:

> ---Quote (Originally by Jim Cook)---
> I believe that copying into O: is a bug, and potentially a damaging one.
> ---End Quote---
> Not reproducible here, and (from a quick pass through the code) not
> possible in the code unless you have additional arguments after the "to:".
> Do you have an alias for COPY?

Jim Cook
2010 Sundays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Monday.
Easy enough to reproduce ...

v:\> subst o: d:\

v:\> copy /g avetemp.txt to:
V:\avetemp.txt => O:\avetemp.txt
     1 file copied
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 14:09, rconn <> wrote:

> ---Quote (Originally by Jim Cook)---
> I do not have directory aliases, but did have an alias for copy. Here are
> the results of some tests. The copy should go into D:\TEST, I believe.
> ---End Quote---
> No -- the COPY syntax requires that only target names follow a "to:". COPY
> does not try to parse out misplaced command switches.

I believe I follow that rule with the following, which fails and copies to
O: instead of the current folder (D:\TEST). I will concede that copy foo to:
/g is illegal.

D:\test>*copy /g \foo to:
D:\foo => O:\foo
1 file copied

Jim Cook
2010 Sundays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Monday.