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Copying files (NOT file contents) to clipboard from TCC

Is it possible to copy files to the clipboard to paste into applications that accept files (like Windows Explorer, Remote desktop etc).

A specific example - I build a product from a command line prompt resulting in a setup.exe which I then copy and paste into a VMWare session to test. Currently I have to do the build, open Explorer, navigate to the file, select the file and copy it before I can switch to VMware to paste the copied file. I then have to close the file's folder for the next build or Installshield gets upset. If I could copy the file directly to the clipboard using a TCC command it'd cut out a bunch of steps that get really tedious when doing quick build/test cycles. I don't mean copy the contents of the file to the clipboard, I mean copy the file itself. Being able to copy multiple files would be even better so I can automate copying a set of files then paste them into the target.

All you need to do is copy the filename(s) to the clipboard; the target app is responsible for actually doing something with the file(s).

Unless the app is expecting to find a CF_HDROP ?
Vince Fatica's 4UTILS plugin has DROPTOCLIP, but it seems to be the inverse of what you want
E:\>uhelp droptoclip
Convert Explorer-copied files to clipboard filename text
I agree that this would be a very useful feature.

MykeJB, would you like to write it up on the uservoice forum? I will happily lend a vote...
If I understand this correctly, you want to put into the clipboard what Explorer puts into the clipboard when you highlight a file, right-click, and select "Copy"?
I wonder whether it would be possible to do this for *multiple* files. For instance, to copy to the clipboard all jpg files created in the last three days, for pasting into another application:
copytoclip /[dc-3] /T:c /O:t *.jpg
(Assuming TCC's "dir" syntax)
According to Noah Coad's Clipboard Viewer, when you select Copy from the Explorer menu, the clipboard is loaded with 12 data formats:
Shell IDList Array
Shell Object Offsets
Preferred Drop Effect
Wel, I have a barebones TODROP plugin that basically works (multiple files, too). But I don't have the time to keep working on it now (and probably for a while). I'll post the code below in case anyone (Charles?) :-) wants to play with it. GetArgs() in a wrapper for CommandLineToArgvW() (one could do that with NthArgument()).
#include <ShlObj.h>
    INT argc;
    WCHAR **argv = GetArgs(psz, &argc);
    WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH];
    WCHAR *pFullNames = (WCHAR*) AllocMem(argc * MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR));
    WCHAR *p = pFullNames;
    for ( INT i=1; i<argc; i++ )
        lstrcpy(buf, argv[i]);
        MakeFullName(buf, 0);
        lstrcpy(p, buf);
        p = strend(p)+ 1; // just past the terminating NUL
    *p++ = 0; // now, p is just beyond the double NUL
    DWORD dwDataBytes = sizeof(WCHAR) * (p - pFullNames);
    DROPFILES df = {sizeof(DROPFILES), {0, 0}, 0, TRUE};
    WCHAR *pGlobal = (WCHAR *) GlobalLock(hMem);
    CopyMemory(pGlobal, &df, sizeof(DROPFILES));
    CopyMemory(pGlobal + 10, pFullNames, dwDataBytes); // that's pGlobal + 20 bytes (the size of DROPFILES);
    SetClipboardData(CF_HDROP, hMem);
    return 0;
Wel, I have a barebones TODROP plugin that basically works (multiple files, too). But I don't have the time to keep working on it now (and probably for a while). I'll post the code below in case anyone (Charles?) :) wants to play with it. GetArgs() in a wrapper for CommandLineToArgvW() (one could do that with NthArgument()).

I don't expect to have much free time this month, and you're the better programmer anyway. But I can certainly imagine improvements. Like, fr'example, you could use Dir_Cmd to collect filenames; that way you'd get TCC's wildcards, ranges, recursion, etc. for free. Or: I'm no expert on the clipboard, but couldn't you put both CF_HDROP and CF_UNICODETEXT on the clipboard at the same time?
I don't expect to have much free time this month, and you're the better programmer anyway. But I can certainly imagine improvements. Like, fr'example, you could use Dir_Cmd to collect filenames; that way you'd get TCC's wildcards, ranges, recursion, etc. for free. Or: I'm no expert on the clipboard, but couldn't you put both CF_HDROP and CF_UNICODETEXT on the clipboard at the same time?
I don't want to get involved in creating the list of files but I'll look into **appending** to an existing CF_HDROP list. That would make it easier for the user to construct the list ... one at a time (say, using DIR as you suggested). In the clipboard's CF_HDROP list, the filename list is NUL-separated (and double-NUL terminated). That wouldn't be particularly useful for CF_UNICODETEXT (would it?). I'll have to read up on putting more than one format in the clipboard. I don't understand the samintz/coad remarks about 12 clipboard formats. If you select/copy with Explorer, there's no text available to be pasted into a text-based app.
I did add the capability of appending to a CF_HDROP list to my experimental TODROP.
v:\> todrop /?
TODROP [/A(ppend)] file [file ...] - files to clipboard in CF_HDROP format
But there is one awkward little detail. It would be convenient to, for example,
 do file in *.btm ( todrop /a %file )
rather than treating the first file differently. And that's now possible, but it would leave untouched anything previously in a CF_HDROP list. I could add "TODROP /C" to clear the clipboard; it would have to be used separately, before building a list as above (because /C together with /A doesn't make sense). Or I could add separate CLEARCLIP command. Any other ideas?
Instead of appending, you might accept the entire list at once from stdin (and e.g. pipe from DIR /B.)
Instead of appending, you might accept the entire list at once from stdin (and e.g. pipe from DIR /B.)
This is the first discussion (20+ years) of stuffing things into a clipboard drop list from a command prompt. I really doubt it's going to become an everyday activity. I have this (below) now and I think I'll leave it that way (and leave the fancy stuff to the user). I updated my three major plugins on ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins in case the OP (or anyone) wants to try it.
v:\> todrop /?
TODROP /C(lear) | [/A(ppend)] file [file ...] - files to clipboard as CF_HDROP
This is the first discussion (20+ years) of stuffing things into a clipboard drop list from a command prompt. I really doubt it's going to become an everyday activity.

Oh yeah; definitely an obscure capability. I throw out ideas, but I'm not married to 'em. Please don't interpret my babbling as demands or criticism.
I'm imagining an equally useful :-) command,
EPASTE /C | /M ... destination
which would copy (/C) or move (/M) the files in a clipboard drop list to the specified destination. Internally it would simply call Copy_cmd() or Mv_cmd() (I think that's MOVE) so the "..." could represent any parameters you might supply to COPY or MOVE (but I wouldn't want to check for inappropriate ones!).
I'm imagining an equally useful :) command,
EPASTE /C | /M ... destination
which would copy (/C) or move (/M) the files in a clipboard drop list to the specified destination. Internally it would simply call Copy_cmd() or Mv_cmd() (I think that's MOVE) so the "..." could represent any parameters you might supply to COPY or MOVE (but I wouldn't want to check for inappropriate ones!).
Now 4UTILS provides DROPTOCLIP and TODROP. I would think that those commands are enough to cover all use cases, aren't they? For example:
DROPTOCLIP && COPY @clip: destination\
would provide EPASTE /C (@clip: N/A in TCCLE).