Hi !
I've just downloaded TCC/LE 14.00.9 from JPSoft Website (64 bits) cause I've set up a fresh new PC with Windows 10.
Had been a happy TCC/LE/Windows 7 user for a looooooooooooong time !
What happens now ? TCC/LE box crashes (closes) unexpectedly, even in the middle of a COPY ! A simple COPY "/S /U" is aborted ! It happens intermetently. There's no error message. Another empty TCC/LE prompt is launched (another task). The original one disappears.
Guess there's some sort of anti-virus or some configuration with TCC (or Windows) that I'm missing...
The AV is Windows Defender, that is, original MicroSoft setup.
Never expected that problem on Windows 10 !
Another hint : when I use COPY "/S /U /N" there's no problem ! So the question seems to be regarded to the file write process of the COPY command, since /N is a test copy only. It does not write , as we all know....
I've just downloaded TCC/LE 14.00.9 from JPSoft Website (64 bits) cause I've set up a fresh new PC with Windows 10.
Had been a happy TCC/LE/Windows 7 user for a looooooooooooong time !
What happens now ? TCC/LE box crashes (closes) unexpectedly, even in the middle of a COPY ! A simple COPY "/S /U" is aborted ! It happens intermetently. There's no error message. Another empty TCC/LE prompt is launched (another task). The original one disappears.
Guess there's some sort of anti-virus or some configuration with TCC (or Windows) that I'm missing...
The AV is Windows Defender, that is, original MicroSoft setup.
Never expected that problem on Windows 10 !
Another hint : when I use COPY "/S /U /N" there's no problem ! So the question seems to be regarded to the file write process of the COPY command, since /N is a test copy only. It does not write , as we all know....