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Crash (abort) during COPY on Windows 10

Hi !

I've just downloaded TCC/LE 14.00.9 from JPSoft Website (64 bits) cause I've set up a fresh new PC with Windows 10.

Had been a happy TCC/LE/Windows 7 user for a looooooooooooong time !

What happens now ? TCC/LE box crashes (closes) unexpectedly, even in the middle of a COPY ! A simple COPY "/S /U" is aborted ! It happens intermetently. There's no error message. Another empty TCC/LE prompt is launched (another task). The original one disappears.

Guess there's some sort of anti-virus or some configuration with TCC (or Windows) that I'm missing...

The AV is Windows Defender, that is, original MicroSoft setup.

Never expected that problem on Windows 10 !

Another hint : when I use COPY "/S /U /N" there's no problem ! So the question seems to be regarded to the file write process of the COPY command, since /N is a test copy only. It does not write , as we all know....
For whatever it's worth, I have used TCC/LE on Windows 10 with no issues.
@jabaltie Have you tried TCC/LE without a INI ? I don't know if it's possible with LE. Does COPY always crashes on the first file? Any error message?
@jabaltie Have you tried TCC/LE without a INI ? I don't know if it's possible with LE. Does COPY always crashes on the first file? Any error message?
1) No, I have not tried without a INI... But I can do that. At least I can play around with some other flag inside it.

2) No, it crashes ramdonly. There's no error message. The window simply closes.

Again, as I said previously, when I do a "/N" (no) Copy, there's no problem. So my guess is that it has something to do with the file system itself, that is, when the file is entering into the file system.

It also has nothing to do with the drive itself. Never mind if I COPY from D:\ TO C:\ (typical winchester to a ssd drive) or from D:\ to D:\. It always crash.

Would there be some sort of logging to be activated ? Some debug flag to start TCC with ?
Also, if you have any plugins installed, remove all of them and see if that makes a difference.
Same here.
Until 09/24/2021 my backup script (with copy ... /s/e/u) worked fine, today it only copies 6 files and then crashes with Event-ID 1000.

4NT.EXE from V6 2005 works fine with the script.

Windows 10 V21H1 with current patches.
I have the same symptom also starting today. So far it has only happened when I copy files with a .jsonlz4 extension. It's also intermittent—when I copy the same file over and over as a test, TCC/LE crashes about 1 time in every 5 or 6. Oddly, CMD can copy the same file without ever crashing.

There must have been something bad in a recent Microsoft Defender update, because disabling Defender's real-time protection prevents the crashing. Unfortunately, creating an exclusion for the .jsonlz4 file does not.

A possible workaround is to do:

start /cmd /c copy

instead of just copy—this seems to work without issue.

EDITED TO ADD: Excluding the tcc.exe process from real-time protection also prevents crashing.
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That's correct: Disabling Defender's real-time protection prevents the crashing.
My exclude of TCC.EXE didn't work.

Hopefully one of the next Defender update-files solves the problem.
That's what I was supposing too : something regarded to AV issues.

Odly I'm glad :-( that others are seeing the same issue. Then very luckily we'll find a solution together.

As for the file extension, AFAIK, there's nothing related to it. It happens with simple CSV files, as well as with JPG, MP4 etc...

Also, I have just confirmed here too that when I disable Real Time Protection the problem disappears, that is, I can COPY as free and as smoothly as expected.

Thanks for your support !
@ustoexx - Have you ran a full system AV check?
It seems that my virus definitions being out of date may have caused the issue. I ran a definition update that apparently hadn't happened since July, ran a scan, no issues were found, but now the tcc copy works properly. So thanks for pointing me in that general direction, which ultimately resolved the problem for me.
My AV is Symantec Endpoint Protection. I had auto virus definitions turned off (don't remember why). Turning it back on, then getting the updates, solved my issue. Hope this helps.
Yes, it does - even the copy-command from 4NT works fine.
There is also no crash with Windows7 and TCC.

So the source files are OK, it happens with all files. After exact 6 files the crash appears.
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@ustoexx - maybe pipe the file names of the copy to a log file then post here.... please.

[C:>] copy source target > %tmp%\Copyout.txt >&> %tmp%\CopyErr.txt

then post the two named files here please....

Hi Charles,

done. But I don't think the files are helpful. The copy-job just stopps silently. CopyErr.txt is empty.


My thoughts.

TCC/TCMD all use standard windows api to its thing. If I get a copy error it shows up in the notification area as an access violation. So I doubt its tcc/tcmd and if it is, its reporting what windows is telling it to report. As for defender I find that hard to believe unless the files being copied have offence niggly bits
where defender is also just doing what its designed to do.
You might be able to test the AV theory by downloading ftp://vefatica.net/pset3264.zip, possibly even trying to copy the URL with TCC. Windows 10's AV doesn't like it, even the zipped file if I recall correctly. It contains pset32.exe and pset64.exe.

v:\> pset64 /?

Syntax: PSET64 target_pid [* | var[=[value]]]

    with *, get all variables
    with var, get[unset[set]] named variable
    else get process current directory


   PSET64 target_pid _SET_CWD=directory ... set the current directory

Both programs inject code and data into, and create a remote thread in, the target process, a technique which could easily be suspect. I had to make an AV exception in order to be able to use it here.
I ran a FULL SCAN. Found only one infected file and it was removed. Booted the machine and the problem persists...

I'm thinking about uninstalling TCC/LE and download an evaluation version of Take Command (FULL), just to see what happens. Don't know if it's worth it or not. My guess is that TCC/LE shares the same kernel with Take Cmd (full).

As for adding TCC.EXE as an exception, I've dont that already and it does not solve the problem.

After migrating all of the other stuff from Windows 7 to 10, this is the only issue I'm stuck with (TCC)...
Jabaltie, did you add an exception for TCC.EXE *as a process*, and are you sure the path is right? It should look something like this:


This continues to work well for me.

I agree that the content of the files is not relevant, and that the crash occurs after several files have been copied no matter what they are. I previously thought it was limited to certain file extensions, but I was wrong.
Sorry !

I added "tcc.exe", as a file, not as a process.

Have done it right now and, IT WORKS !

Thanks for your help !

However I think this is a workaround.

I wouldn't like to see TCC as an exception to AV..

We shall find the solution later.

At least now we can work freely !

Thanks again !
Hello. I started having this same problem about a week ago. Some points I find relevant:

1. The crash happens with COPY, not with MOVE within the same drive. But it does happen with MOVE across different drives.

2. I installed a trial version of the current TCC version (28.0) and the crash doesn't occur.

3. I installed the old free version of TCC/LE (14.0) but x86, not x64. It's worked fine so far.

4. The only recent updates I found in my computer were for Windows Defender's definition files. I disabled Windows Defender and the problem went away, but came back when I enabled WD.

So I have two suggestions: use TCC/LE x86, not x64, or spend $79.95 for the current version of TCC.
Instead of TCC/LE, one may also just use a REPL for TCC-RT.

See my post in regards to this idea for more info;

Hello. I started having this same problem about a week ago. Some points I find relevant:

1. The crash happens with COPY, not with MOVE within the same drive. But it does happen with MOVE across different drives.

2. I installed a trial version of the current TCC version (28.0) and the crash doesn't occur.

3. I installed the old free version of TCC/LE (14.0) but x86, not x64. It's worked fine so far.

4. The only recent updates I found in my computer were for Windows Defender's definition files. I disabled Windows Defender and the problem went away, but came back when I enabled WD.

So I have two suggestions: use TCC/LE x86, not x64, or spend $79.95 for the current version of TCC.
1) MOVE on the same drive renames the file. No data copied.

2) COPY on windows 10 might not be supported since TVV LE is not being updated anymore.....

4) I would contact MS about the problem........ Maybe see if you are using the latest Defender program files......
Sorry for such a dumb question but what's the difference between TCC/LE and TCC/RT ?
I'm not an expert, but I understand that:
- TCC/LE has a console interface, a command prompt, where you interactively type your commands or run batch files, while
- TCC/RT doesn't have a visual interface and is meant only for running batch files.