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Does Ctrl-F do anything in v25? The reason I ask is ...

I have a plugin keyhandler which uses Alt-F to open the console's "Find" dialog. It works fine is v24 and v25. If I change the key to Ctrl-F it works fine in v24 but not in v25. In v25, it opens the "Find" dialog immediately but also ...

1. causes the last history entry to be recalled to the command line, and
2. continually redraws that recalled history entry until Ctrl is released

What's up with that?
Never mind. I couldn't reproduce that crazy history stuff. Anyway, It won't work properly assigned to Ctrl-F unless I put in a delay to allow the release of Ctrl. If Ctrl is still down when my keyhandler sends keystrokes (Alt-Space,e,f) it can't work correctly. Maybe I'll look into digging through the system menu and sending WM_COMMAND to the appropriate item ID (I've read that that will work).
Ctrl-F does not (by default) do anything in v25.
Does it in other versions? I swore i used it once, celebrated its addition as a feature, but now I'm not finding a way to search my console backlog for specific text . Always wanted that.
Does it in other versions? I swore i used it once, celebrated its addition as a feature, but now I'm not finding a way to search my console backlog for specific text . Always wanted that.

Not in the last few years. I don't know if it might have done something in 4DOS ...

If you're running TCMD you can search the tab window scrollback buffer. There isn't anything in TCC to search console window buffers. That would be Windows responsibility.
How informative!

So you're saying that maybe it's possible for a 3rd party tool to be written that search the console via windows APIs?
So you're saying that maybe it's possible for a 3rd party tool to be written that search the console via windows APIs?
Sure! It's not hard; I've done it in a plugin (more than once). I reckon it would be equally easy in a stand-alone EXE. It won't work in WindowsTerminal because WT doesn't provide access to the history part of the screen buffer window. [But WT has its own Ctrl-Shift-F].

In a console, there's always the built-in Windows console search. Try


This might work (@@aliases involving KEYSTACK can be finicky).

alias @@Ctrl-F `keystack Alt-" ef" & delay /m 500`
In a console, there's always the built-in Windows console search. Try


That must be how I accidentally stumbled into it before! I use alt-space 100X a day. I probably stumbled into it by accident at one point, remembered it being awesome, then forgot how to reproduce it.

And that's bulit in with no plugin. I was trying to scroll back to find a specific unit test's output earlier today and that would have really helped, even without a plugin! Damn, thanks!
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