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Does TCC use Ctrl-Up/Down for anything? I made a couple of useful aliases this morning:

@@ctrl-down=consize /w %_columns [EMAIL]%@eval[%_rows+1[/EMAIL]]
@@ctrl-up=consize /w %_columns [EMAIL]%@eval[%_rows-1][/EMAIL]

They're a little unsightly since they cause a new prompt (really ugly if you hold down the key). Later I'll experiment with implementing those actions via 4CONSOLE's keyhandler. It should look much nicer and perhaps I can leave a command_line_in_progress unaltered. Is there any interest in this?
Shure, that would be a pretty convenient feature.

what is this [ EMAIL ] formatting about?

That was pretty easy. 4UTILS, SYSUTILS, and 4CONSOLE on ftp://lucky.syr.edu (they might contain experimantal stuff ... I don't remember).

4CONSOLE should now make the console one line bigger/smaller upon Ctrl-Down/Up (rather cool to hold down the key and watch).

Barnyard.syr.edu chashed lately and had to be replaced. I've got to find out where the new FTP directory is before I can upload. Does anyone DL from barnyard? ... I could forget about it altogether.
I prefer to be lucky.

I stopped pecking when sometime back the barnyard was fenced in. I think you need not bother putting fresh hens there.
I prefer to be lucky.

I stopped pecking when sometime back the barnyard was fenced in. I think you need not bother putting fresh hens there.

No lie ... back in the late '80s, when barnyard (then a "neXt" workstation) hit the scene, it's owner/operator, Terry, a friend and colleague of mine, kept chickens. "Barnyard" was his favorite rooster and the default sound on barnyard (the computer) was Barnyard (the rooster) crowing.

There are things there that will never die ... a page that pen/pencil collectors like, SETENV.EXE (for setting the registry environments ... I first wrote it in 95-96 ... used to get hundreds of DLs a day ... still gets a few regularly). Terry has popular stuff there too, most related to math and running.
Thanks for the new features. BTW, I noticed in 4utils.txt

which I think comes from DNS /? not being implemented.
You're exactly right. I'll get around to it. I wrote it to overcome a difficulty with NSLOOKUP. I often use a VPN from home (Win7, client) to work (XP, server). The VPN IPs are fixed and each computer knows the other by name ("zz" and "lucky") via the LMHOSTS file. With this setup, remote drives are as convenient as local ones, everywhere. But the VPN was slow (hesitant, actually) when MS networking was not the "preferred" network. But when MS networking **is** the preferred network NSLOOKUP uses it (and generally fails) **EVEN THOUGH** the VPN is **NOT** the default gateway. I looked for a way to tell the VPN server (XP) not to hand out DNS server names but couldn't find one.
Vince, is there http:// URL to download your latest utilites? I often work in the county library, and FTP is not allowed here...
Vince, is there http:// URL to download your latest utilites? I often work in the county library, and FTP is not allowed here...
Same place, lucky.syr.edu. Serv-U provides a basic interface HTTP interface.
Tue 27Mar12 15:31:25 - (001058) Invalid login credentials; user: "esfabian"; password: "**********"

Did you think I made an account for you? :)
Tue 27Mar12 15:31:25 - (001058) Invalid login credentials; user: "esfabian"; password: "**********"

Did you think I made an account for you? :)
Not really, I just typed like a robot. As my other post (sent before I read your latest) said, I overcame the login barrier. I hope my method is not capable of modifying content...
Finally I tried the new version of 4Console with ctrl-up/down. It's really cool! Thanks! How about ctrl-left/right ;)
Finally I tried the new version of 4Console with ctrl-up/down. It's really cool! Thanks! How about ctrl-left/right ;)

Might be nice, especially if they expanded/contracted the console to, say, the next/previous number of columns evenly divisible by say 5, rather than just one column at a time. The hitch is that Control-Left and Control-Right are already used by the command-line editor; Vince would probably pick some other pair of keystrokes....
Might be nice, especially if they expanded/contracted the console to, say, the next/previous number of columns evenly divisible by say 5, rather than just one column at a time. The hitch is that Control-Left and Control-Right are already used by the command-line editor; Vince would probably pick some other pair of keystrokes....
Yes, that's what I mean. I think at a virgin command prompt with no line editing one could thoroughly use ctrl-left/right. But I would also be happy with any other combination.
Yes, that's what I mean. I think at a virgin command prompt with no line editing one could thoroughly use ctrl-left/right. But I would also be happy with any other combination.

So he'd check the current command line, and pass the keystokes on if it didn't happen to be empty? An interesting idea!
I have horizontal resizing in there now (test version, using Ctrl-Alt-Up/Down) ... still thinking about how to implement it. With vertical resizing, I give no thought to how big the console screen buffer is (and I don't want to) ... assuming it's big enough to enlarge the window (which will fail silently if it isn't). This is not a reasonable assumption in the horizontal resizing. I've got to think about how to implement it reasonable (and I don't feel like re-inventing CONSIZE). As it is, it makes the window one column wider (if necessary, first making the screen buffer exactly the needed width); in the other direction, it makes both smaller. I intend to make shrinking the buffer stop at 80 columns (while letting the window get narrower). What do you think?

I could use Ctrl-Alt for all (Down/Up/Right/Left = longer/shorter/wider/narrower) ... more keys to press but more sensible ... eh?
And horizontal resizing is ugly. I must make the buffer wider before making the window wider ... and make the window narrower before making the buffer narrower. Either way you see the horizontal scroll bar for the split second that the buffer is wider than the window.
I often use screen sizes that accommodate fewer than 80 columns, though not for normal use of textual UI. When I don't want to change screen size temporarily to accommodate a wider TCC window, I much appreciate 4console's ability to scroll horizontally, using the alt-left and alt-right keys (4console.dll of 2011-10-22). The new feature would leave this intact, I hope.
I would really appreciate horizontal + vertical resizing. Ctrl-Alt is a quite comfortable combination (for me). And the horizontal scroll bar would not annoy me.