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date range documentation error

In the help for TCC date ranges it suggests:

To select files last modified n days ago or earlier, use /[d-n,1/1/80]. For example, to get a directory of all files last modified 3 days or more before today (i.e., those files not modified within the last 3 days), you could use this command:

dir /[d-3,1/1/80]

This does not work. I needed to use:

dir /[d-3,1980/1/1]

Logically you should specify that as:
dir /[1980/1/1,d-3]
or even better:
dir /[,d-3]
date range documenation error

| In the help for TCC date ranges it suggests:
| To select files last modified n days ago or earlier, use
| /[d-n,1/1/80]. For example, to get a directory of all files last
| modified 3 days or more before today (i.e., those files not modified
| within the last 3 days), you could use this command:
| dir /[d-3,1/1/80]
| This does not work. I needed to use:
| dir /[d-3,1980/1/1]

All examples use the US as the default country format. If in Windows'
Regional Settings you selected a different format (mine is modified ISO,
i.e., I use period . as both date and time separator), that's the format

| Logically you should specify that as:
| dir /[1980/1/1,d-3]
| or even better:
| dir /[,d-3]

1/ The "[d" is the syntax for date range, it does not indicate anything
about whether or not the current date is relevant in the selection.
2/ It is explicitly stated that the order of dates is not significant,
i.e., the earlier date can be either the first parameter or the second
parameter, but if the first parameter is a relative date, it is relative to
today, while the second parameter, if it is a relative date and not an
absolute one is relative to the first date.
3/ There is the simplified "negated range" method: /![d-2] to list all
entries which are more than 2 days old (i.e., at least 3 days old).
HTH, Steve
In the help for TCC date ranges it suggests:

To select files last modified n days ago or earlier, use /[d-n,1/1/80]. For example, to get a directory of all files last modified 3 days or more before today (i.e., those files not modified within the last 3 days), you could use this command:

dir /[d-3,1/1/80]

This does not work. I needed to use:

dir /[d-3,1980/1/1]

If you use ISO8601 format, the range will work regardless of your locale settings:

dir /[d-3,1980-01-01]
Logically you should specify that as:
dir /[1980/1/1,d-3]
or even better:
dir /[,d-3]
It's not well documented, but you can in fact do:

dir /![d-3]
(Rex, both dateranges.htm and timeranges.htm allude to the possibility, but neither one includes an example. Without an example, it's not clear where the bang should go....)
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