Good morning. I've tried to change
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\batfile\shell\open\command] - I think it's original value was
%%1" %%* or something similar
I've changed it to "@=hex(2):22,00,25,00,25,00,31,00,22,00,20,00,25,00,25,00,2a,00,00,00" - it does not work..., but the type of value is reg_expand_sz
Then I've tried to change the value type, but could not find how to do it, so I've created new string and added "@=hex(2):22,00,25,00,25,00,31,00,22,00,20,00,25,00,25,00,2a,00,00,00"
- does not work, though the name of the string is not "Default" but "New parameter1"
I've finally changed value of both "Default" and "New parameter1" strings to "%1" %* - does not work.
So my current questions are: how to change the value type of "Default" string or to rename "New parameter1" to "Default"
I've deleted the first section of the exported [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\batfile\shell\open\command] key and deleted first section and then reimported it back, but it failed to change the value type of "Default" string...
--------reg file which did not help--------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Finally, I've lloked into Charles' reg file and imported it - does not work, even though now I have the correct value type.