Hi Rex,
Coming back from 2010! There is still a problem with French accented characters (éèàôöùüû...) in file descriptions. The issue is similar with the one I explained here: https://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/describe-under-tcc-11-doesnt-work-with-diacritics.1731/ (this was for TCC 11).
Here is the scenario for this issue:
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test éèàçùôöûü [initial description manually typed here]
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ÚÞÓþ¨¶÷¹³ [description not edited by hand!]
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ┌ÌË■¿Â¸╣│
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +╠╦ª┐┬©ªª
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +ª-¬+-®¬¬
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +¬-¼+-«¼¼
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +¼-╝+-½╝╝
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +╝-++-¢++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-ó++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-¾++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-¥++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-Ñ++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-Ð++
etc., etc... One can see that all characters with diacritics are progressively changed into "+" or "-" signs. What do you think?
I forgot to say that the description is modified each time the file is copied or moved.
Second issue with files which contain accented characters in their name:
describe TestéèàFile
Description de "D:\X\TestéèàFile" : This is a test
describe TestéèàFile
Description de "D:\X\TestéèàFile" : [The description disappeared!]
In fact the description is indeed inside descript.ion after the first describe but it is not shown by the second describe command, so it will disappear if I simply hit Enter after that.
I guess these issues exist with each alphabet containing diacritics, not only the French one. Are you aware of that?
Coming back from 2010! There is still a problem with French accented characters (éèàôöùüû...) in file descriptions. The issue is similar with the one I explained here: https://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/describe-under-tcc-11-doesnt-work-with-diacritics.1731/ (this was for TCC 11).
Here is the scenario for this issue:
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test éèàçùôöûü [initial description manually typed here]
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ÚÞÓþ¨¶÷¹³ [description not edited by hand!]
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ┌ÌË■¿Â¸╣│
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +╠╦ª┐┬©ªª
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +ª-¬+-®¬¬
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +¬-¼+-«¼¼
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +¼-╝+-½╝╝
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test +╝-++-¢++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-ó++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-¾++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-¥++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-Ñ++
describe TestFile
Description de "D:\X\TestFile" : This is a test ++-++-Ð++
etc., etc... One can see that all characters with diacritics are progressively changed into "+" or "-" signs. What do you think?
I forgot to say that the description is modified each time the file is copied or moved.
Second issue with files which contain accented characters in their name:
describe TestéèàFile
Description de "D:\X\TestéèàFile" : This is a test
describe TestéèàFile
Description de "D:\X\TestéèàFile" : [The description disappeared!]
In fact the description is indeed inside descript.ion after the first describe but it is not shown by the second describe command, so it will disappear if I simply hit Enter after that.
I guess these issues exist with each alphabet containing diacritics, not only the French one. Are you aware of that?