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Disable wildcard [ char in destination

I'm using TCC x64 v13.0 I have a batch file that calls rename. Some of the destination filenames include the [ character, which is legal. However TCC seems to see the [ differently. I'm guessing because it's used for wildcards.

Calling this from the batch file:
rename "Test" "The [Test]"

CC: (Sys) E:\bin\rename_it.bat [33] The system cannot find the file specified.

I've verified that removing only the [ and ] fixes the issue. I can't seem to find a way to turn it off. Is there a way?

I'm using TCC x64 v13.0 I have a batch file that calls rename. Some of the destination filenames include the [ character, which is legal. However TCC seems to see the [ differently. I'm guessing

Take a look in the help under SETDOS, specifically the /X option.

You may also want to look at the SafeChars plugin, available from http://jpsoft.com/all-downloads/plugins-take-command.html, which has "Functions for reading and writing text which may contain characters having special meaning to TCC".

...or maybe not.

I am using TCC 12.11.76, and I just tried;

ren The "The[Test]"

and it worked. I then tried;

ren The "The [Test]"

and that worked also. Ditto for;

ren Test "The [Test]"

From the SETDOS documentation /X-7 would control the square bracket, but it also controls the other quoation marks. Disabling it, SETDOS /X-7, generates more errors.

I'm runnng TC v13.00.19 x64. Below is what I get in a TC Prompt window. Maybe I should try an older version or the LE version.

[E:\]mkdir test

[E:\]cd test

[E:\test]mkdir Test


Volume in drive E is DATA_1 Serial number is d81a:e94e
Directory of E:\test\*

2/18/2013 7:38 <DIR> .
2/18/2013 7:38 <DIR> ..
2/18/2013 7:38 <DIR> Test
0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs
208,204,242,944 bytes free

[E:\test]ren Test "The [Test]"
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
0 files renamed


[E:\test]ren Test "The [Blah]"
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
0 files renamed

Like the tree said to the lumberjack, "I'm stumped".

Might be something that is set in OPTION?

Would you by chance be using the [ as a pseudovariable? Use the OPTION command, then click on the Advanced Tab to see.

Mind you, the error coming back is that it cannot find the Test file.

Wow! You have free update to build 13.04.63 available - 44 builds later! Many issues were fixed, and some enhancements, too.
I updated to 13.04.63. I also tried 12.11. Same result.



Volume in drive D is Depot Serial number is dce3:2f00
Directory of D:\temp\*

2/18/2013 10:53 <DIR> .
2/18/2013 10:53 <DIR> ..
2/18/2013 10:42 <DIR> test
0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs
67,371,462,656 bytes free

[D:\temp]rename test "The [test]"
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
0 files renamed

[D:\temp]rename test "The [test"
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
0 files renamed

[D:\temp]rename test "The test]"
D:\temp\test -> D:\temp\The test]
1 file renamed

It works for me:

C:\bin\tcmd13>ver /r

TCC  13.04.63   Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 63   Windows XP Build 2600  Service Pack 3
Registered to Charles Dye - 5 System License

C:\bin\tcmd13>> Test

C:\bin\tcmd13>ren Test "The [test]"
C:\bin\tcmd13\Test -> C:\bin\tcmd13\The [test]
     1 file renamed

C:\bin\tcmd13>dir the*

 Volume in drive C is Windows XP     Serial number is cc26:8769
 Directory of  C:\bin\tcmd13\the*

 2/18/2013  11:10               0  The [test]
                 0 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs
   315,839,692,800 bytes free


Do you by any chance have RENAME aliased?
No I haven't aliased RENAME. I've tried it on 3 different PCs and with a clean install of TCCLE 12.10 and TC 13.04.63 x64. It works correctly for files. The errors I get are when I try to rename a directory.

Thanks for all the help,

Nevermind. I'm an idiot. I looked everywhere in the documentation but the RENAME documentation. It doesn't directly address my issue (maybe it does and I'm not very bright) but RENAME /S test "The [test]" works. The error message seemed a little cryptic to me.

Thanks again,

Did you try appending a trailing backslash to the names?
ren Test\ "The [Test]\"