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Display the VIEW window in a Take Command tab window

When I use the /W option to display the VIEW window in a Take Command tab window, I am having problems.

I can only seem to exit from this by closing Take Command.


view /w file.txt
If I then do File, New Tab, I get the following message box;

Access is denied. "AttachConsole"
from which I click OK, and the message box is dismissed.

No matter how I try to close the VIEW window, I can no longer use TCC, or any open tabs. I have to close Take Command 13 down, and restart it.

Not sure what I am doing wrong.

ver /r produces;

TCC 13.00.13 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 13 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3

which view produces;

view is an internal command


<table style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: baseline" valign="baseline"> <td width="60">
</td> <td>
Esc, Alt-Q, Alt-F4, and File/Close all work fine for me.

The 'X' button on the little tab, on the other hand, seems kind of flaky. Sometimes it closes VIEW; sometimes not.

(Is there really a demand for VIEW /W? What does it accomplish, aside from giving you a really tiny VIEW window?)