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Double prompt for password with * in FTP syntax

I've been playing with the new TCC 11.0 feature that allows you to use an *
in the FTP syntax of any command. While IFTP still works properly, all
other commands prompt for the password twice:

[C:\test]ver /r
TCC 11.00.23 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 23 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3

[C:\test]dir ftp://anonymous:*@jpsoft.com/beta/

Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): **********************
Password: (jpsoft.com:anonymous): **********************
Directory of ftp://jpsoft.com/beta/*
8/27/2009 7:58 <DIR> sdk
10/09/2009 0:27 1,089,356 takecmd.dll
10/09/2009 3:36 3,004,784 tccle.exe
10/09/2009 0:59 5,713,904 tcmd.exe
10/09/2009 3:35 3,910,400 tcmdle.exe
10/09/2009 1:06 6,260,392 tcmdx64.exe
19,978,836 bytes in 5 files and 1 dir


Also, in the help file, the description of this feature should probably be
included in topic ftpservers.htm and removed from iftp.htm since it is no
longer specific to the IFTP command.

I've been playing with the new TCC 11.0 feature that allows you to use an *
in the FTP syntax of any command. While IFTP still works properly, all
other commands prompt for the password twice:

WAD; this is only intended to be used with IFTP.

The non-iftp FTP usage has to do multiple connects & disconnects to perform FTP operations, so depending on what you're trying to do, you might get three or four password prompts.
Rex Conn wrote:

> ---Quote (Originally by Howard Goldstein)---
> I've been playing with the new TCC 11.0 feature that allows you to use an
> *
> in the FTP syntax of any command. While IFTP still works properly, all
> other commands prompt for the password twice:
> ---End Quote---
> WAD; this is only intended to be used with IFTP.
> The non-iftp FTP usage has to do multiple connects & disconnects to
> perform FTP operations, so depending on what you're trying to do, you >
> might get three or four password prompts.
Rex, I'm not sure I understand. IIRC, it has always been possible to use
the * and be prompted for the password in IFTP. The new feature appears to
be the addition of this to other commands that can handle FTP. But if it's
only intended to be used in IFTP, why add the new feature and announce it in
What's New?
Rex Conn wrote:

> ---Quote (Originally by Howard Goldstein)---
> I've been playing with the new TCC 11.0 feature that allows you to use an
> *
> in the FTP syntax of any command. While IFTP still works properly, all
> other commands prompt for the password twice:
> ---End Quote---
> WAD; this is only intended to be used with IFTP.
> The non-iftp FTP usage has to do multiple connects & disconnects to
> perform FTP operations, so depending on what you're trying to do, you
> might get three or four password prompts.
I'm trying build 24 now and I see that the behavior has changed. It now
seems to remember the password that you've typed at the prompt until you
access a different FTP site or close TCC. This is better -- at least you're
not prompted more than once on a single command -- but you get into trouble
if you accidentally mistype the password. If you try to reissue the command
you are not prompted and the mistyped password is used again. Either the
password should be remembered for only one command or there needs to be a
simple way to clear the remembered password.
