Yes, I do. Quite often a single TCMD installer file's download takes a considerable time, yet it ends with only 2048 bytes, an obvious failure. Sometimes it is in the correct size range of 18..21 MB, but not always correct. That's why I would appreciate if the .AIU files correctly reported a size and hash code. I have two identical downloads for a specific build, which installed correctly, but mismatched the relevant .AIU information. I usually do my downloads of both the 32b and 64b versions on the 32b machine (I have many old utilities which work, or at least limp, on XP, but won't even start on Win7), where I cannot run the 64b installer for it to perform a self-check
I attempted downloading the version of WinXP MS makes available as an alternate (dual booting) OS for Win7, a file about 490MB. Once it stopped at 480MB; many times between 100..200MB. By "stopped" I mean that the TCC COPY command did not exit, but the disk free space was no longer changing. I did it on my Win7/64 machine, because MS requires downloading only to the target machine. When COPY stopped allocating space to the download, IIRC I had to kill its TCC instance... These were HTTP downloads. My ISP is T-Mobile, using a "broadband" device (speed up to 6Mb/s - not MB/s! - for download, a fraction of Comcast cable); connection to computers is via WiFi, at 54Mb/s peak.