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DSK questions

Rex, are you going to update the SDK any time soon?

Whenever you so, will the new one contain any methods for communicating with an already-running TCMD?

For now, is there a way I can get an already-running TCMD to open a tab at the directory of my choice **without** invoking a new TCMD.EXE to do it for me?

vefatica wrote:

> For now, is there a way I can get an already-running TCMD to open a tab at
> the directory of my choice **without** invoking a new TCMD.EXE to do it
> for me?

Does invoking a new TCMD.EXE work as you desire when it is set to "single
TCMD window"?
On Mon, 25 May 2009 10:03:16 -0500, Steve Fábián <> wrote:

|> For now, is there a way I can get an already-running TCMD to open a tab at
|> the directory of my choice **without** invoking a new TCMD.EXE to do it
|> for me?
|---End Quote---
|Does invoking a new TCMD.EXE work as you desire when it is set to "single
|TCMD window"?

I haven't tried it. I imagine it would; that's how TCTabHere works.

I have a TCCHere.dll context menu extension, recently rebuilt with "TCC"
replacing "4NT" in all the public places ... also got it working on Vista.
Context menu items are created dynamically (when the user clicks) so I thought
I'd also add a TCTabHere item if a running TC is found. I just thing it's
kludgy to have to start another TC to get the first one to do something.

BTW, I prefer the context menu extension (to the shell-verb mechanism) because
it provides menu items for all the expected places **and** for folder
backgrounds which includes the desktop (which shell-verb doesn't do).
- Vince