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SignUp Now!Hello mdlawler - just an aside and not about your question. You may look to enclose your console output in code blocks. Select three "dots" and choose code, paste in your console text, and it is usually much easier to read in a
I have not found a good way to do this from the keyboard using my screen reading software yet, but will do so if I figure it out.Hello mdlawler - just an aside and not about your question. You may look to enclose your console output in code blocks. Select three "dots" and choose code, paste in your console text, and it is usually much easier to read in a post.
Thanks Vince, I'll try those the next time.I always type the code/endcode tags myself, these, without the spaces: [ code ] and [ /code ]. And there are [ icode ] and [ /icode ] (again no spaces) forinline code
; I usually select text with the keyboard and choose those from the dropdown (...) menu.