D djspits Apr 322 7 2011-04-01 #1 The option /ELEVATED in the START command seems to remove my variables from the inherited environment. Does /ELEVATED imply /I? Could you point me to the documentation that explains this behavior? Is there a way around this? Cheers, DJ.
The option /ELEVATED in the START command seems to remove my variables from the inherited environment. Does /ELEVATED imply /I? Could you point me to the documentation that explains this behavior? Is there a way around this? Cheers, DJ.
rconn Administrator May 13,645 253 Staff member 2011-04-01 #2 djspits said: The option /ELEVATED in the START command seems to remove my variables from the inherited environment. Click to expand... That's normal Windows behavior (not TCC), and there's no way around it.
djspits said: The option /ELEVATED in the START command seems to remove my variables from the inherited environment. Click to expand... That's normal Windows behavior (not TCC), and there's no way around it.