- May
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- 180
A few versions ago, I requested that after ESC(aping) a recalled (Up) from the history the next recall start at the end of the history. I think that was implemented. But if the recalled command is morified before ESC is pressed, then the next recall starts at the history entry before it.
1. Press <Up> any number of times, then press <Esc>. Pressing <Up> again starts at the end of the history. That's s good.
2. If the last three history entries are:
and I <Up>, <Up> to recall "echo b" ... then <BS> to erase "b" ... then <Esc> ... then <Up>, "echo a" is recalled. I can't think of a reason why one would want that behavior. IMHO, History recall should always start at the bottom when the command line is empty.
1. Press <Up> any number of times, then press <Esc>. Pressing <Up> again starts at the end of the history. That's s good.
2. If the last three history entries are:
echo a
echo b
echo c