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/extract: option for the installer

... seems to have no effect.

Am I right? Is that intended behavior? Temporarily or permanently?

Regards, DJ
Maybe the following will help......

[C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads]tcmdx64.exe /?

[C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads]tcmdx64.exe /extract:c:\Users\Galloway\Downloads\tcmdx64\

[C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads]dir C152B79\

Volume in drive C is Win7_Galloway   Serial number is aea6:a855
Directory of  C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads\C152B79\*

9/26/2015  12:50         <DIR>    .
9/26/2015  12:50         <DIR>    ..
9/26/2015  12:50         <DIR>    Styles
2/22/2006  17:40          34,304  BorlndMM.dll
9/24/2015   8:43       1,744,960  English.dll
9/24/2015   8:43         688,704  EnglishD.dll
5/09/2015  10:24          48,433  eula.rtf
8/05/2014  21:04       1,449,536  Everything.exe
5/01/2015  23:32          13,521  Everything.ini
3/21/2015   2:51         374,385  Everything.lng
9/24/2015   8:43          76,864  Everything64.dll
3/21/2015   2:51           1,064  everything_license.txt
9/24/2015   8:43       1,771,584  French.dll
9/24/2015   8:43         694,336  FrenchD.dll
9/24/2015   8:43       1,761,856  German.dll
9/24/2015   8:43         694,336  GermanD.dll
9/20/2015  22:41       5,503,040  ide.exe
5/26/2014   4:58       2,100,736  ipworks9.dll
5/26/2014   7:30       1,013,760  ipworksssh9.dll
5/26/2014   6:30       2,228,736  ipworksssl9.dll
5/26/2014   8:16         338,944  ipworksssnmp9.dll
5/26/2014   7:56       1,243,648  ipworkszip9.dll
10/05/2014  10:16       1,212,224  IsLicense50.dll
9/24/2015   8:43       1,760,320  Italian.dll
9/24/2015   8:43         690,240  ItalianD.dll
6/04/2015  22:11           8,589  license.txt
9/24/2015   8:43         485,376  Lua52.dll
9/24/2015   8:43         485,952  onig.dll
7/04/2015   9:41           7,460  readme.txt
9/24/2015   8:43       1,816,128  Russian.dll
9/24/2015   8:43         692,800  RussianD.dll
5/30/2015  14:46       1,390,144  SciLexer.dll
9/20/2015  22:36          90,688  ShrAlias.exe
9/24/2015   8:43       1,767,488  Spanish.dll
9/24/2015   8:43         696,384  SpanishD.dll
1/24/2000   7:01         453,632  stdvcl40.dll
9/24/2015   8:43       2,431,552  takecmd.dll
9/20/2015  22:36         233,536  tcc.exe
1/09/2013  14:13           1,002  tccbatch.btm
4/03/2013  10:12           1,170  tcchere.btm
1/09/2013  14:13           1,272  tcctabhere.btm
9/24/2015   8:43       4,026,332  tcmd.chm
9/20/2015  22:37       6,028,352  tcmd.exe
5/09/2015  11:45           1,134  tcmdbatch.btm
4/03/2013  10:17           1,204  tcmdhere.btm
9/24/2015   8:44       4,218,880  tcmdx64.msi
6/03/2015   5:44       9,136,128  textpipeengine.dll
4/07/2015   9:51           2,176  textpipeengine.dll.manifest
9/20/2015  22:36         130,112  TPipe.exe
9/24/2015   8:44       1,046,592  updater.exe
9/19/2014  20:46         496,493  v.chm
6/21/2015  10:59       2,891,840  v.exe
5/31/2015   6:19         822,976  VDEU.dll
5/31/2015   6:19         824,896  VESP.dll
5/31/2015   6:19         823,360  VFRA.dll
5/31/2015   6:19         817,728  VITA.dll
5/31/2015   6:19         802,880  VRUS.dll
9/24/2015   8:43         295,424  WiFiMan.dll
        68,375,211 bytes in 55 files and 3 dirs    68,497,408 bytes allocated
   309,922,295,808 bytes free

[C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads]md temp

[C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads]tcmdx64.exe /extract:c:\Users\Galloway\Downloads\temp\


Volume in drive C is Win7_Galloway   Serial number is aea6:a855
Directory of  C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads\*

9/26/2015  12:51         <DIR>    .
9/26/2015  12:51         <DIR>    ..
9/26/2015  12:50         <DIR>    C152B79
9/26/2015  12:51         <DIR>    temp
4/13/2015  17:08          24,692  10704862_324635077708651_336751162_n.jpg
4/16/2015  15:41         203,763  11088350_920872241330585_3993226759830463823_n.jpg
4/13/2015  11:55          78,504  11131079_400090756829749_1175132213_o.jpg
4/13/2015  11:55          11,217  11160266_401884163317075_1208035401_n.jpg
9/26/2015  12:19         383,086  12006438_1106159819395215_7016226688731800258_o (1).jpg
9/26/2015   9:46         383,086  12006438_1106159819395215_7016226688731800258_o.jpg
8/22/2015  22:26          64,192  google1.csv
9/26/2015  12:47      22,299,104  tcmdx64.exe
        23,447,644 bytes in 8 files and 4 dirs    23,465,984 bytes allocated
   309,850,329,088 bytes free

[C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads]dir temp

Volume in drive C is Win7_Galloway   Serial number is aea6:a855
Directory of  C:\Users\Galloway\Downloads\temp\*

9/26/2015  12:51         <DIR>    .
9/26/2015  12:51         <DIR>    ..
9/26/2015  12:51         <DIR>    C152B79
                 0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs
   309,850,329,088 bytes free

[FOX] Ultimate Translator