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F. Romano's FEDUTILS

Hi Federico,

I loaded the latest FEDUTILS (from JPSOFT) by putting the dlls into the
plugin dir. I get numerous crashes, especially when closing TCC: Up to 3
times I get

Runtime error 216 at 03AB3845A

AppName: tcc.exe AppVer: ModName: fedplugin.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0000384a

BTW, the date and time ISO norm is 8601, not 9601. Perhaps you want to
correct this.

Mit freundlichem Gruß,

Klaus Meinhard
Hi Kaus, I'm sure the plugins at Jpsoft are fairly old and the feduitls were
developed when 4nt v7 was king

| Hi Federico,
| I loaded the latest FEDUTILS (from JPSOFT) by putting the dlls into the
| plugin dir. I get numerous crashes, especially when closing TCC: Up to 3
| times I get
| Runtime error 216 at 03AB3845A
| AppName: tcc.exe AppVer: ModName: fedplugin.dll
| ModVer: Offset: 0000384a
| BTW, the date and time ISO norm is 8601, not 9601. Perhaps you want to
| correct this.
| Mit freundlichem Gruß,
| Klaus Meinhard
Hi Rex,

> Hi Kaus, I'm sure the plugins at Jpsoft are fairly old and the
> feduitls were developed when 4nt v7 was king

Yes. But FEDUTILS with it's ISO 8601 functions and vars is what is
getting quoted when asking for ISO 8601 support in TCC: oh, just load
FEDUTILS. No, you can't. They don't work in Version 9.

Mit freundlichem Gruß,

Klaus Meinhard
I will send a version 9 compatible version for Rex to put up on the site

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