C Charles G Apr 1,825 17 2013-11-08 #1 Rex or any others, Since command /= is a lot within TCMD/TCC to bring up the options dialog for the command, why is it a W and not a = with FFind?
Rex or any others, Since command /= is a lot within TCMD/TCC to bring up the options dialog for the command, why is it a W and not a = with FFind?
vefatica May 13,738 209 2013-11-08 #2 Charles G said: Rex or any others, Since command /= is a lot within TCMD/TCC to bring up the options dialog for the command, why is it a W and not a = with FFind? Click to expand... I imagine because FFIND's /W is old (at least back to TC10) and renders /= unnecessary
Charles G said: Rex or any others, Since command /= is a lot within TCMD/TCC to bring up the options dialog for the command, why is it a W and not a = with FFind? Click to expand... I imagine because FFIND's /W is old (at least back to TC10) and renders /= unnecessary
C Charles G Apr 1,825 17 2013-11-08 #3 Well - for uniformity - be nice if FFind /= would behave like FFind /w