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File completion window saws long paths

I've already experienced this with prior versions (now running TCC 9,02.154): when I hit F7 for file completion window, and the path is "too long", I'm unable to scroll totally to the right.
The longer the path, the more I loose
Looks like width of strings, in the completion window, isn't calculated properly. And maybe not just width: descending characters, like "g", appear truncated in the lower part, but on the last file/directory listed.

I'm trying it with "Lucida Console", normal, 12 pixel, but it appears as a similar problem with some other fonts, even switching to "Fixedsys" one.
May be related to the Unicode version? Don't know...

The attached image shows a lucky case, where just a single file has its name truncated -- see the red rectangles.

Anyone can confirm/help on this?

~ Lou


  • truncated.jpg
    19.6 KB · Views: 303
I do not see the problem under either 9 or 10 on my machine.

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 7:00 AM, JP Software Forums <[email protected]> wrote:

> Is this with v9, v10, or both?
> The contents of the window & scrollbars is being drawn by Windows, not TCC.
> Is it truncating a lot or just the last character or two?

Jim Cook
2009 Saturdays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Sunday.
Is this with v9, v10, or both?
With TCC 9,02.154

The contents of the window & scrollbars is being drawn by Windows, not TCC. Is it truncating a lot or just the last character or two?
The part truncated is variable, sometimes less than a whole character, in other cases 2-3 characters and more -- not necessarily an integer number of characters.

I had this going on for a long time (never had time to report it till now...), on two different machines, a laptop and a desktop, both running XP pro, but with different console font size.

~ Lou