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file not detected by "DIR" command?

Here's a strange problem I found:

1. On Windows 7, copy the file WinCmdRef.chm to the Windows\System32 directory. (This file can be found on the Microsoft site, I believe.)

2. Open up a 4NT command window (As Administrator). Change directory (CD) to the Windows\System32 folder.

3. Type "dir *.chm".

4. This file will not appear in the list of files found!

Any thoughts here? If I do the same using the Windows Command Prompt instead of 4NT, everything works fine.

Re: file not detected by "DIR" command?

64-bit version of Windows?
-----Original Message-----
Here's a strange problem I found:

1. On Windows 7, copy the file WinCmdRef.chm to the Windows\System32
directory. (This file can be found on the Microsoft site, I believe.)

2. Open up a 4NT command window (As Administrator). Change directory (CD) to
the Windows\System32 folder.

3. Type "dir *.chm".

4. This file will not appear in the list of files found!

Any thoughts here? If I do the same using the Windows Command Prompt instead
of 4NT, everything works fine.


I presume you're using the x64 version of Windows 7?

If so, this a Windows "featue" -- it's remapping the directories of the
32-bit apps so they can't see the 64-bit directories like (the misnamed)

You can work around it by turning off Win64 redirection in 4NT (assuming
you're using a relatively recent version), or by switching to he new 64-bit
version 11.

Rex Conn
JP Software
Yes, it is the 64-bit version of Windows 7.
Thanks for helping me out - it was confusing because I was only seeing it with 4NT.

I just upgraded to v10 last week. Is v11 availabe now or just in Beta? If Beta, when will it release?

Thanks again!
Yes, it is the 64-bit version of Windows 7.
Thanks for helping me out - it was confusing because I was only seeing it with 4NT.

I just upgraded to v10 last week. Is v11 availabe now or just in Beta? If Beta, when will it release?

v11 is in public beta now; we don't have a firm release date for it yet, but thus far there have been relatively few problems.