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SignUp Now!v:\> foldermonitor /S v:\ CREATED DELETE MODIFIED RENAMED FOREVER beep
v:\> touch /c file.tmp
2016-01-08 16:29:07.431 V:\file.tmp
v:\> del file.tmp
Deleting V:\file.tmp
1 file deleted
v:\> touch /c file.tmp
2016-01-08 16:29:13.806 V:\file.tmp
v:\> del file.tmp
Deleting V:\file.tmp
1 file deleted
(Below) Without "/W10", I hear the beep on the TOUCH but not on the DEL. With "/W10" I hear no beeps at all.
Code:v:\> foldermonitor /S v:\ CREATED DELETE MODIFIED RENAMED FOREVER beep
OK. With that fixed, I get both sounds without "/W10" and no sounds with "/W10".Your syntax is wrong -- it should be "DELETED", not "DELETE".
OK. With that fixed, I get both sounds without "/W10" and no sounds with "/W10".
I see how it works now; not what I was look for it to do. Instead I built the timing into the command the FolderMonitor fired. Not sure why there is an order dependency on the /Wn switch, but I guess there is a reason. Thanks.